How to Play: Splendor | Board Games | Zatu Games UK

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When does Tabletalk and Meta-Gaming become part of the game?

A few days ago a user posted a story about how his family were egregiously bending the rules, and even willfully misinterpreting them:
The overwhelming consensus of users could be summarized as "If it's not in the rulebook, you can't do it." Rulebooks are set of prescriptive guidelines that limit player behavior to outlined mechanics, no more, no less. I agree with this sentiment, in fact our hobby would likely not function if not for this simple social construct... but is that actually true?
You see, there's a very murky aspect of our hobby, particularly when playing games outside the Euro-sphere, but not exclusively; That issue is the fact that you are playing with PEOPLE.
Tabletalk and Meta-gaming behaviors of some form are an inevitable part of any group, in my opinion, and for some games they wouldn't function without it. Obviously, some trading and negotiation games build it into their systems, while others simply allude to it being a possibility. Sidereal Confluence is by definition, driven by player negotiation. Scythe has a single line in the rulebook that says you can exchange coins if you like but I've never seen anyone actually do it...
Then there's games like Inis, which I have seen described MANY times as a game of "negotiation and shifting alliances"... yet not ONCE in the rulebook are either of those things mentioned. The only time discussion is remotely alluded to in the rules is for the resolution of clashes, but that could have easily been rephrased to be a bluffing mechanic where the clash ends when both players "pass" rather than "agree to end." It isn't a negotiation game in the rules, but it is in practice for many game groups, and more power to them for making it work in a way they find engaging, thematic, and experiential (I don't get it, but good for them).
I've heard many reviewers and fans praise all sorts of other games for being great, but only if you add in negotiation, Tabletalk, houserules, creative storytelling, or other metagame behaviors that enhance the game for their group, despite those not being expressly in the rules as intended.
This leads me to my question for all you boardgamers, when is Tabletalk or other Metagaming behaviors acceptable to you or your group?
Here are some scenarios for you to ponder.
Would you allow negotiation, or other metagaming behaviors...
-Only when expressly allowed? (Twilight Imperium 4, Rising Sun, Sidereal, Chinatown, Bohnanza, Sheriff of Nottingham, Cheating Bee...etc)
-So long as it stays in game? (would you king-make in GoT2e for preferable treatment in the next game or a foot rub later?)
-When thematically appropriate? (Inis is ok but you wouldn't coordinate in Azul)
-Always; Everything is negotiable so long as it's not forbidden? (Would you offer to discard a specific tree from your hand in Arboretum or play with your hand face-up to for mutually beneficial treatment)
-Even if it's clearly against the games intent, but technically isn't illegal? (Think Hanabi superfans with their hidden communication language)
-In zero sum games where it's strategically advantageous to cut a player off? (Evolution or Risk could see players banding together to take down the leader who would otherwise be unstoppable)
-Even if it obfuscates information meant to be public, because it could be human nature or honest mistakes? (Stacking resource cubes or coins to make it harder to see, or keeping cards facedown in a pile so others don't know how many are left, or picking up components to read or rearrange so that no one ever can get a complete understanding of what's in the active play area?)
-Even if it reveals potentially game-changing information not expressly said to be hidden? (counting the remaining number of cards in a deck that serves as a game-end timer)
-In high conflict games, but not low-interaction or low-complexity ones? (let players negotiate spots in Glen More or bird cards in Wingspan)
-If it makes it more fun and doesn't change or even enhances the core decision process? (My group is very particular about how to place chips and cards in Splendor so they are easy to read)
-Including the sharing of hidden information voluntarily? (Secret objectives in games like Argent, or Archipelago)
-To "bash-the-leader" where you point out someone's successes or vulnerabilities and encourage others to take advantage? (Root basically.)
-When there are shared resources or pools, but it's not in the rules? (Brass with its market mechanics, or Takenoko where every player controlling the same pandas and Gardners)
-For the sake of an inside joke? (Think word or party games where certain categories are really iffy)
-So long as it doesn't needlessly prolong the game? (I once lost a 7-hour game of Risk in college despite holding Australia and Asia... I didn't even take second! I'm still mad, over a decade later)
-So long as you don't gain an unfair advantage? (could you take notes to track what cards have been played in The King is Dead?)
-So long as you don't leverage the behaviors of other players? (Let's say I have a perfect memory of every card played in a game and know what the last few cards in the deck must be... is it ok for me to tell the current player so that he makes a different choice more to my advantage? What if I don't tell them? How about if you think a player is needlessly restricting themselves, everything is legal, but they have misinterpreted a rule or situation to their own disadvantage?)
submitted by iswearihaveajob to boardgames [link] [comments]

[COMC] Probably the densest collection you'll see for a while.
Lots of 2 player and light games with a few of the classics sprinkled in for good measure.
On extended loan to friends
Why is it all so cut up?
Around the start of the pandemic I bought Splendor. My collection was already taking up too much space, and I really didn't want to add a box of 80 percent air to the growing problem. A few hours, an box cutter knife and some packing tape solved that problem. Then I just did it instead of a sourdough starter. A year later and most things that I can optimize have been.
How long have you been involved in the hobby?
Coming up on 6 years - most of the collection is from the last three years due to a move.
What would you change about your collection if you could?
Clear out about 5-10 games, and move to a more planar storage system - deep shelves lead to things getting buried.
There are quite a few games with wasted space that I might preform surgery on:
What have I been playing?
Wait - Box surgery isn't a real game?
Lately it's been mostly 2 player games - Splendor and Klask are the current hotness, but Lost cities and fox in the forest are never far out of the rotation.
I managed to get in a game of A War of Whispers at 4 relatively recently which was a delightful time.
Whats up next?
On the two player front Targi or Archaeology are top of the list.
The kings dilemma is the next up once normality returns. I wouldn't mind getting good at Tigris with a few people either, or a simple light evening of some quacks, Catch the moon and Jungle speed.
submitted by The_Math_Guy to boardgames [link] [comments]

How many time do you play the same game?

Hi Reddit,
I've been pationate about board game since almost a decade now. My personal collection as almost reach 150 games now!
However, I really wonder if am I the only one that only plays his Games 3-5 times? Except for some of my favourite (RezArcana,Catan,Star Realm, Splendor, Abyss,etc...) that I played a lot, all my others games haven't been played more than 5 times each I would say.
Imo, I generally feel that after 3 plays, I have pretty much discover every aspect of a game so I have nothing more to discover. Therefore, I loose interest.
Or maybe, as I mainly play in family, it is because I play with non pgm so I am lacking of challenge. Is that something some of you had too?
Any one has face the same issue than me? If so, how did you solve it?
Edit: omg, I didn't expect to have so many answers. Thank you guys!
submitted by Arkenge to boardgames [link] [comments]

I really dislike eurogames. A tiny rant. A bit of discussion.

I really dislike eurogames. I wanted to write hate, but the polite german in me didn't allow it. Yes, I see the irony in that. Now why should you care? Everyone can have their opinion, it's alright to not like these types of games. Well you shouldn't care, but maybe deep down you feel the same, so let me tell you my point. The point is specifically about non-confrontational eurogames where everyone has their own little board. The point crystalized in the very last minutes of Quinns latest video ( ) where he plays a round of My City on his own. He plays the game on his own!
In the video game community games used to be bashed a lot because of shoehorned multiplayer, that didn't really change anything. It's more fun with friends! Well, staring at paint dry is more fun with friends as well, that's hardly an argument.
If everyone has their little board, and playing their own little puzzle, and at the end just comparing on a little scoreboard, what's the point of playing together? Make it solitare, make a scoreboard, compere point online... I like meaningful interracions. If I sit down with my friends I want to play WITH them, not in their presence. I tried Otis, I tried Dominion, I tried Agricola. We all just sat, counting our little cubes and cards, not really paying attention to other people, and at the end we all went "Oh, Martin won? I guess."
And I have a little first hand experience of fixing this issue with Splendor. My wife and I didn't really like it when we first got it, after a few games together. But then we played it with 3 and 4 people. What fun, what adrenaline, everyone just fighting over the same card, you constantly looking at your opponents coins. Can he buy that Sapphire for 5 points? In 2 rounds probably, if I manage to draw 2 Rubies I'll be ok! When we played the 2 player variant we both kinda did whatever. So we decided to reduce how many cards are in play. Instantly 10x better game. The same exhilarating feeling of fighting over cards and coins!
I'm also extremely bothered that these games are being shown as the best what board games have to offer! Is it really? Is sitting at a table, each to their own with their own little game the pinnacle of board games? Aren't they supposed to be about comming together, having an analog fun time, chatting, discussing, bantering? If everyone is playing their own board, why we don't all just solve sudokus and compare, or just read a book. And I don't mean that board games should be about conflict and confrontation, I know many people don't like that. But they should be about interaction! Devs! Make more cooperative games god damn it!
Tl,dr: Boardgames with separate boards are bad, go solve sudokus together.
submitted by Jagelsdorf to boardgames [link] [comments]

Where to Play Board Games Online?

I'm trying to figure out how to play more board games and games with friends online since we have to be so distant right now. What platforms have you all tried that you've enjoyed?
I know for Catan, I can play on and And Splendor, I've really loved their app.
I've also played, which is pretty cool if you like solving puzzles and escape rooms. Would love to find other platforms like this since we've played most of the rooms they have?
submitted by purplefoxjumper14 to boardgames [link] [comments]

Is Viticulture a board game that my parents would enjoy?

My parents (58yo) have gotten really into board games during the pandemic. They love classics like Monopoly and Scrabble, but have also become big fans of newer games like Ticket To Ride and Splendor. They have a joint birthday coming up and I'm trying to figure out if Viticulture is a game they'd be able to handle together, without me needing to teach it to them (as we don't live together).
It's important to note that I've never played Viticulture before. I've played other Stonemaier games with them, however. Scythe was too challenging for them; Tapestry was a bit closer to their comfort level. None of us have ever played Wingspan, although I've gotten mixed feedback on how complicated it is.
Any advice on whether or not Viticulture would be a good fit for them? And if not, and alternative suggestions?
Edit: Fixing a typo wherein I mistakenly referred to the game Ticket To Ride as "Transatlantic."
submitted by youngbingbong to boardgames [link] [comments]

[COMC] of 6+ years ordered (mostly) by BGG Avg Weight rating

Link to imgur album with text
How long have you been involved in the hobby?
About 6 years. I got started with hidden role games like The Resistance, Coup, and Citadels, but quickly branched out into Euros through a friend at work. I bought a lot of games in 2015-17 as many people do in their first few years. Many of those games are still favorites (Castles of Burgundy, Power Grid, Splendor, Codenames), but many I've since sold (Dead of Winter, Blood Rage, Game of Thrones 2E) for various reasons.
What would you change about your collection if you could?
Like most people, I wish I got to play more! But that's mostly the pandemic's fault -- I had a good group for a couple years and managed to get to ~2 conventions per year which were amazing to look forward to.
We're expecting our first kiddo next month which I assume will change my board game life quite a bit, but I do hope I'm able to attend at least a local con or two later in 2021 if those things are able to start happening again.
I have Blood on the Clocktower, 1833NE, and The Great Zimbabwe coming at various points in 2021 as well, so I guess that will be a change to the top shelf for sure!
My goal is to have a collection with just my absolute favorite heavy and medium-heavy games, and then a great variety of medium and lighter games that I am always happy to teach and play to non-gamers. Let me know what you think I'm missing!
submitted by bcgrm to boardgames [link] [comments]

[COMC] Yearly Review

Several things this year has reduced the number of games we wanted to play. We were doing a lot of house hunting and finally purchased a house in August. There were a lot of different requirements and deadlines but we got it done. Add in all the moving hassle and less time was available for gaming. While the band was able to come up on weekends to practice, due to the drummer’s job change, we lost a lot of gaming time. Then Colorado went Red so we couldn’t even have guests over. Jeanne and I did get some gaming in. We both changed jobs towards the end of the year which had us doing more work related stuff; getting up to speed on the different technology for example.
Blog and Photos
State of the Game Room 2020
How Long Have You Been Gaming?
Well, I’m 63 now and started playing various games as a kid. My grandfather played gin and gin rummy with me when I was over and the adults played pinochle although I was able to play from time to time as well. We played all the standard games. Monopoly, Battleship, and even Chess. We started gaming more when we started doing Family Home Evening (Mormon thing) and I was introduced to Outdoor Survival, an Avalon Hill game. From there into wargaming and beyond!
Gaming This Year
We played quite a few games this year, in part due to Covid. Formula De, Raccoon Tycoon, Resident Evil, Munchkin, The Witches, Ticket to Ride (Rails and Sails), Splendor, The Doom That Came To Atlantic City, Car Wars, Nuclear War, Shadowrun Sprawl Ops, and Savage Worlds: Deadlands.
Favorite Board/Card Games
Of the past years plays: Probably the Resident Evil card game. That surprised me as being a pretty good game.
More current games: Ticket to Ride: Rails and Sails, Castles of Burgundy, Discoveries of Lewis and Clark, Bunny Kingdom, Formula De and Splendor.
Older: Car Wars, Cosmic Encounters, Nuclear War, and Ace of Aces.
Incoming and Outgoing
Generally Jamie down at Atomic Goblin Games will pick some out for me to check out. Other than Shadowrun books and paraphernalia, the only thing coming in is via Kickstarter and it’s the Steve Jackson Car Wars game.
As to outgoing, I just don’t do that. I was close to selling off a bunch of my collection back in the 90’s when I got into video games but I backed out and have since see many people who regretted getting rid of this game or that. I have the room for the gear, so it stays. Maybe next year.
submitted by HayabusaJack to boardgames [link] [comments]

Blue Vintage Cube Cards are Busted! Card Design Exercise + Custom Cards.
TLDR: Blue Vintage Cube Cards are Busted, and here's some cool concept cards to prove it. And great art!
After playing a ton of Vintage cube, my play group and I began theorycrafting "Power" cards to allow White, Black, Red, and Green to compete with Blue in raw powerlevel. Cube is a format of efficient Card Draw, Fast Mana, and Interaction which is exemplified in the busted Blue cards that dominate the format. We decided to colorshift three signpost Blue cards: Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, and Mana Drain to the other four colors in creative and interesting ways. The intent of these cards is to be EXTREMELY high first pickable powerlevel to compete with their existing Blue counterparts. Additionally, as the Blue cards are "good" is basically every deck, these cards also need to be all-purpose powerhouses rather than scalpels, while also maintaining the flavor of their color-identity. To ensure the card was multi-funtional we developed a matrix based on how different deck archetypes would use the card. The categories were Fair Decks, Unfair Decks, Aggro Decks, and Control Decks. Due to the raw power of the cards, Midrange seemed a redundant inclusion. Additionally, as the format is about Fast Mana, Card Draw, Card Advantage, and Interaction each design incorporates one or more of those effects.

Subject #1 - Ancestral Recall:

This card is a 3-for-1 at 1 mana, and would still be good at 3 mana. So the benchmark we used was 3-for-1 and 3 mana worth of effect on a 1 mana spell:

White Ancestral:
This was difficult as White lacks card advantage design space, so we leaned into the idea "balance" attached to a modal removal spell to prevent feel-bads.

Ancestral Order
Choose one -
· Exile target creature, its controller gains 3 life.
· Choose an opponent, if that player has more cards in hand than you, draw cards equal to the difference.

Card References: Swords to Plowshares, Sandstone Oracle
Fair: Efficient removal spell with potential card draw.
Unfair: Unload hand with fast mana, cheap refuel.
Aggro: Refuel after deploying threats.
Control: Efficient removal spell with ability to gain life.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Situationally
Interaction: Yes

Black Ancestral: This one was straight forward, Sign in Blood + half-Hymn to Tourach = 3-for-1 and 3 mana, thus meeting our metric. We chose Sorcery due to the discard clause
to prevent a chain of eating an opponents draw-step while drawings cards. (these are intended to be busted, not broken)

Ancestral Blood
Target player draws 2 cards and loses 2 life, each opponent discards a card at random.

Card References: Sign in Blood,Hymn to Tourach
Fair: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.
Unfair: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.
Aggro: Card advantage and some reach.
Control: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Yes
Red Ancestral: This one is interesting as Red now has "exile" card advantage spells like Light Up the Stage, but to prevent this from shoehorning into proactive decks exclusively,
the cards will be exiled face down as to be concealed. Additionally, as this is a red card, it can modally be a lava spike effect.

Ancestral Flames
Choose one -
· Ancestral flames deals 3 damage to each player.
· Exile the top 3 cards of your library face-down, look at them. Until the end of your next turn, you may play those cards.

Card References: Light Up the Stage, Lava Spike, Ugin, the Ineffable (face down exiled cards)
Fair: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.
Unfair: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.
Aggro: Card advantage and reach.
Control: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Destory target opponent

Green Ancestral: This one is my personal favorite as Green's design space is unique. The intent is to be an efficient creature with upside. This was originally three 1/1's,
but that seemed dramatically lower power than the rest of the cycle. Conversely, three 2/2s was too powerful even at these standards. We settled on two 2/2s for a total of
4 power over two bodies, with a modal untap effect for unfair decks uninterestd in a few bodies. As this didn't meet the 3-for-1 metric, we added the entwine cost to allow
for a "zero" mana option at 3+ lands. This is a modal Wild Nactl/Dark Ritual.

Ancestral Hunt
Choose one -
· Create two 2/2 green wolf creature tokens
· Untap up to three target lands
Entwine 2

Card References: Wild Nacatl, Krosan Restorer, Journey of Discovery, Ambush Viper
Fair: Efficent beat-down card.
Unfair: Ritual effect (see high tide)
Aggro: Efficient beat-down card.
Control: Multiple flash blockers.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Yes (ambush blocks)

Subject #2 - Time Walk:

This card was reprinted at 5 mana, and is still good in cube. The card literally does it all providing; mana ramp and card draw for any deck and even additional
combat step for ending games. The metric was used was; can extend the game in your favor, provide mana advantage, and can be used as a finisher to end the game:

White Time Walk: This may be underpowered, but that seems to be white's share of the color pie. The design here is to make you and your board invulnerible for a turn, thus
buying you a turn in a "white" way. It would also make your whole team unblockable, so could act as a finisher.

Celestial Shroud
Until your next turn your next turn, you and permanents you control have protection from everything.

Card References: Brave the Elements, Teferi's Protection
Fair: Protect your board or swing for lethal.
Unfair: Buy a turn to go off.
Aggro: Protect your board or swing for lethal.
Control: Fog effect with upside.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: Situational
Interaction: Yes

Black Time Walk: This functionally works as a Time Walk in 1v1 play. The targeted effect and life loss move it into black's color pie, and also would potentially bolster fair
strategies like Death's Shadow or Scourge of the Skyclaves in Cube.

Induce Fear
Target opponent reveals their hand and skips their next turn. You lose 5 life.

Card References: Exhaustion, Thoughtseize
Fair: Death's Shadow
Unfair: Functional time walk.
Aggro: Extra combat step finisher.
Control: Pull ahead on board.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Red Time Walk: This utilizes Reds design space of impatience and getting everything you want now. Riot is a modal version of haste that can also deliver some counter, so you can
deploy several creatures and attack the same turn or provide a stat boost. To provide the mana advantage that Time Walk provides, a Red High Tide effect is added to allow for
an explosive turn.

Volcanic Zeal
Until end of turn creatures you control have riot.
Until end of turn, whenever you tap a land for mana, add R.

Card References: Rhythm of the Wild, High Tide, Mana Flare
Fair: Deploy several creatures with Haste or +1/+1 counters.
Unfair: Mana doubling effect.
Aggro: Exposive turn mana boost and haste.
Control: Explosive mana, but weak overall.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Green Time walk: This focuses on Green's superior ramp abilites, and ability to untap lands outside of the traditional untap step. Time Walk is often called "Explore" on turn 2,
referencing the Green card, but obviously becomes MUCH more powerful in later turns. This card is essentially a mega-Explore, with a higher floor but lower ceiling then a true
Time Walk. Sphinx of the Second sun introduced the idea of adding a "Beginning Phase" mid-turn, essentially providing a second turn without combat.

Arboreal Splendor
You may play two additional lands this turn. You get an additional beginning phase after this phase.

Card References: Explore, Wilderness Reclamation, Seedborn Muse, Sphinx of the Second Sun
Fair: Ramp + mana untap for large turns
Unfair: Mana doubling effect.
Aggro: Mana for an explosive turn.
Control: Ramp and untap to hold up interaction.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Subject #3 - Mana Drain:

Though not formally a member of "Power-9", Mana Drain exemplifies a busted card. Efficient interaction combined with a burst of mana for a follow-up explosive turn
pushes Drain to be a higher pick in draft then even Time Twister (of the Power-9) in all but the most focused combo decks. The design of these cards is straight forward,
efficient interaction, combined with a colorless ritual trigger on the following Main Phase. These all represent an efficient 1-for-1 + fast mana, so the analysis is
unnecessary on an individual card level.

White Mana Drain:
Added card draw to offset the tempo bonus of being an on-board removal spell.

Mana Purge
Exile target nonland permanent, its controller draws a card. At the beginning
of your next Main Phase add an amount of C equal to that cards converted mana cost.

Black Mana Drain:
Thoughtseize + getting mana would make for interesting decisions in discard.

Target player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards
that card. At the beginning of your next Main Phase add an amount of C equal to that cards converted mana cost.

Red Mana Drain:
Lightning Bolt + free mana seems great.

Mana Bolt
Mana Bolt deals 3 damage to any target. At the begining of your next main phase add CCC.

Green Mana Drain:
Again, Greens weakness in interaction and superior control of mana makes for an interesting design. This will often be a Tarmogoyf that can ramp you + chump block.

Mana Gorger
Creature - Elemental
When you cast Mana Gorger choose a spell.
Mana Gorger enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters equal to that spells converted mana cost.
Remove all counters from Mana Gorger: Add an amount of C equal to the number of counters removed this way.

That completes the write up; thanks to all who took the time to read the whole thing. If there's one thing to learn from this exercise, its that Blue cards are busted, and for the other colors to even come close in power, you need to do some wildly powerful designs.

We will be proxying these cards (along with actual power) in our paper cube to see how they play, and we invite anyone else to do the same. Feedback will be read but is unnecessary, our intent is just to share our exercise for fun.

Cheers everyone!
submitted by VonWulfhausen to mtgcube [link] [comments]

Primer: Stayin' Alive / From Gold To Mythic with BO1 Mono W Cat Prison

Deck Companion 1 Kaheera, the Orphanguard (IKO) 224
Deck 1 Approach of the Second Sun (AKR) 4 2 Arch of Orazca (RIX) 185 2 Blast Zone (WAR) 244 4 Emeria's Call (ZNR) 12 2 Field of Ruin (THB) 242 1 Gideon's Intervention (AKR) 20 4 Guardian Idol (JMP) 467 4 Idyllic Tutor (THB) 24 1 Ixalan's Binding (XLN) 17 1 Banishing Light (THB) 4 4 Mind Stone (WTH) 153 4 Nine Lives (M21) 28 15 Plains (AKR) 319 1 Rest in Peace (AKR) 33 4 Solemnity (AKR) 35 2 The Immortal Sun (RIX) 180 4 Wrath of God (AKR) 46 1 Grafdigger's Cage (M20) 227 1 Authority of the Consuls (KLR) 9 2 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
Its my first time hitting Mythic with any deck so i thought i will share my two cents about playing this deck for around 200 games in BO1 with a winrate around 60%. Lets get into some of the card choices, interactions, deck variants, match ups and the grind to mythic!
"Cat protection":
4 Nine Lives 4 Solemnity
Not much to say here. Wanna see a Goblin player cry while attacking you with a 80/80 Muxus and you just laughing at them when they concede out of boredom (an important factor playing this deck)?
This is the deck for you. Some two color variants of this decks trim on one copy of Solemnity, especially the RW Version. In this Mono W version where you are more reliant on this combo being good, you ofc should stick to playsets of each.
15 Plains 2 Castle Ardenvale 2 Arch Of Orazca 2 Blast Zone 2 Field Of Ruin
In comparison to many other lists i saw i slimmed down on non basic lands and put in more basic plains. You really want to be able to hit turn 3 Nine Lives, especially in BO1 against more aggro decks this is the keystone turn. Even tough Castle can give you valuable bodies and FoR can be very good against Phyrexian Towers, a secure curve is more important in BO1 than in BO3 where the meta differs quite a lot. A funny interaction is Blast Zone with Solemnity out, where you can wrath tokens. But dont try to uptick BZ after you play it ;) Arch is a pretty important land, giving you accelerant draws in search for your win cons when you are "cat protected" with NL and Solemnity.
4 Mind Stone 4 Guardion Idol
The otherwise pretty empty 2 mana slot gets filled with these handy and versatile mana rocks, allowing you to accelerate into a turn 4 Immortal Sun or two spells in the same turn. Idol gives you live saving chump blocking abilities and Mind Stone valuable redraws when you have plenty of many to work with. I would not recommend trimming these in any form.
4 Emerias Call
Land and Win Con in one card. This card is everything this deck wants.
Protection and removal:
4 Wrath Of God 1 Banishing Light 1 Authority of the council 1 Gideons Intervention 1 Ixalans Binding
This package allows you to stay safe in case of no cat protection and beyond. 4 WoGs are the most played 3 drop with a accelerant on turn 2, often catching the opponent by surprise and giving you time to deploy the combo pieces. The other 4 cards are all tutorable with Idyllic Tutor, making your plays flexible against a wide array of threats. Gideons Intervention is an awesome card, removing the possibility from an opponent to cast a card and preventing damage from it (looking at you Muxus and Stomp/Bonecrusher Giant or even Kor Spiritdancer, Kroxa, Uro, Nissa,...). AotC is especially good against Goblins and hasty threads.
1 Gravedigger Cage 1 Rest In Peace
Cage is good i a wide variety of MUs and RiP is tutorable sometimes completely shutting down strategies like Arcanist Decks, Uro, Lurrus Auras (sort of) and Jund Sac.
Value and Win Cons:
4 Idyllic Tutor 1 Approach of the second sun 2 The Immortal Sun 1 Kaheera, The Orphanguard
Idyllic tutor lets you play 4 extra copies of all enchantments in the deck. No question this card is the keystone of this decks flexibility.
The immortal sun offers a plenty of valuable bonus effects, shutting down opposing Teferis and Nissas and most importantly giving you extra draws, getting your neck faster out of dangerous situations.
But now to the important question: how do you even win with this piece of a deck? Well Approach of the second Sun does that quite easily. You will have a bad time against mill effects and counter spells, where you have to opt for a beat down plan with Kaheera and Angels from Emerias Call. But to be honest: 80 percent of all wins are your opponent conceding when they see they cant go behind your combo. Oh well...
Deck variants and card choices:
RW: Utilizes Chandra, Torch of Defiance and a wider array of sweepers with Deafening Clarion and Big Chandra as a win con slimming down on combo reliance. Dekc plays very good too, unfortunately not as consistent.
Karn-variants: Some decks play 4 copies of Karn, The great creator for an artifact wishboard. This version is also very popular and can be problematic in the mirror. Playing a lot with this version too, i found this variant to be more successfull. Maybe because its game plan is more straight forward. Karn lets you durdle around trying to find protection pieces. Most of the times i felt i was loosing to much time in the tutoring process, especially im BO1.
Overwhelming Splendor: Makes sense in BO3, in BO1 though too slow.
Match Ups:
Goblins: Heavily favored. Even though Gobbos can power out a fast win with Muxus, you got all the tools to wipe and protect. They have no option to interact with the combo.
Same goes for RDW.
UW Auras: Heavily favoured. Same principle. The usually have no way to interact with the combo. Some lists play Spell Pierce as a one of, so beware. Nothing feels worse than you Solemnity getting countered :(
Uro Midrange: Slightly unfavoured. Maelstrom Pulse can ruin your day. There are definitely ways to win, but with hand disruption and Maelstrom Pulse and alike its getting tough.
Sacrifice: Heavily Favoured. Even tough the oven cat lets you go around the cat protection with life loss (betrayed by its own kind...) a mid game RiP usually closes out that game. Board wipes are still good here !
Ramp: scoop. You can try to stop them from casting Ugin. But you will fail...
Paradox Combo: Slightly unfavoured This is a tricky one. It all comes down how long you cann stall they graveyard and win by your own. They usually dont scoop so be prepared for long games.
Arcanist: Favoured. Early on Arcanist can rip your hand appart but usually, if you resolve your key cards they have a hard time coming back. Beware of Kroxas Life loss though!
UW Control: Unfavored. Counters and O Ring effects make it very hard to get control of this MU. Sometimes you win by making them draw their whole deck...
Gruul: Even. You might think: "Bro, this an aggro deck, easy peasy".,.but i tell you bro, Questing Beast and Stomp are here to ruin your day if you dont watch out, because they go around Nine Lives. They put a fast clock on their own and threaten to fully swing out into you combo and before damage stomp you. Gideos Intervention is the key card in the MU!
Neostorm: Slightly unfavoured. Combo or die! If they go for the combo early on they usually win (but dont tell them!). Even with a Solemnity out they usually have enough Dualcasters to kill you. Gideons Intervention is very important here. Beware of bounce spells on your Solemnity!
Going from Gold to Mythic:
In gold and plat i saw a lot of Aggro decks such as Auras and Goblins. Usually lots of meta decks, where i could climb fast to Diamond. The amount of meta decks went down significantly, i saw a lot of Ramp and Neostorm in the beginning but slowly grinding thorugh it and making it to mythic!
Happy to answer any questions on the deck !
Edit: Importable (fixed) Deck List !
submitted by Alirandali to MtGHistoric [link] [comments]

What is the ideal game to introduce new players into the hobby that plays well at 2 and 4 ?
Hi everyone.
I have found immense joy in this hobby. My GF and I started out with a few basic 2 player games and we both really enjoy it. The games I started out with are Catan, Ticket to ride: London, Pandemic: hotspot North America and Splendor. These games are great but it feels a bit easy this time around , with splendor making the table most of the time. So I started investing in some meaty games.
Anyway , I have realized that I am happy with the direction my collection is going in. The games I will get are great duo and solo, so it is perfect.
However I would love to get advice on games I can get to take out when introducing board games to new friends ( mostly couples) I have introduced pandemic to one couple but it didn't go as well as I thought.
These games have to be something that can grab their attention immediately and give them that sense of wonder. Not overly complicated but enough to stimulate them. The game needs to play well at 4 player and preferably scale down well to 2.
Games I am thinking about are :
Codenames: Duet The quest for El Dorado
Super thanks for reading and stay safe !
( Bonus question. In your opinion, how well does Agricola play 1-4 ?)
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

[Historic] Mono White Prison B01 Guide - Idyllic Cats

This is my guide to my version of the historic cat prison deck that I have been having a tonne of fun with, and thought you guys might like it.
What it does:
This is a combo deck that uses Nine Lives and Solemnity. Nine Lives prevents you from taking damage - you put 1 counter for each instance of damage prevented on Nine Lives. When you get to 9 counters, you lose the game. Solemnity prevents counters from going on anything. So with the two combined, you cannot take damage.
The rest of the deck is focused on assembling the combo, and then negating non-damage related threats (Mill, Life Drain, and of course Enchantment Removal). After that, you sit back and draw extra cards with Arch of Orazca, Mindstone, and The Immortal Sun until you find Approach of the Second Sun.
This deck is very, very good in BO1 against aggro and midrange decks. Very few of them place main deck enchantment removal, and this deck exploits that opening in the meta game. Once you get the combo, a high % of decks simply cannot win.
Unfortunately, this deck is truly terrible against control decks. If someone were to make major changes to the deck, I think that’s the thing you would want to fix
Win Percentage:
I piloted this deck from early platinum to Mythic 409. Might I have done that faster with a different/less janky deck? Probably. But I love this deck. I really enjoy combo, and it is a real to treat to play a competitive mono white deck.
Win % Plat to Mythic: 56% (67/120)
Really not that great. But when a mono white deck achieves even mediocre results, I think it is worth celebrating. Also - I am certain the deck also could have done much better with a better pilot (perhaps you, dear reader?). I often play games while watching videos, reading reddit, texting, or while really tired. I lost many winnable games. I also played all these games while suffering from light keto flu, which didn’t help.
Win % at Mythic: 65% (39/60)
Much smaller sample size, and there is a high likelihood I am just getting lucky. But I have also been giving the Mythic games my full attention, and I think that has increased the win rate significantly. I will update when I have more data.
I also think the deck might be slightly better for mythic than for further down the ladder? There seem to be many less control decks the further up you go, which this deck is really bad against.
Unsure if good, or that I have the right amount:
Problems for the Deck:
This deck struggles majorly against control. Biggest issues in the various types are:
Wish Cards:
Damage Cannot be Prevented:
These cards will negate Nine Lives:
They are annoying, but you can play around these cards. If you are vs. a deck that is likely to play these cards (Mono Red Burn, Grul Aggro), then you need to:
  1. Assemble the combo, while minimising loss of life
  2. TutoDig for Gideon’s Intervention. Remember to name ’Stomp’ not ‘Bonecrusher Giant’ as ‘Stomp’ is the side of the card that causes damage not to be prevented.
Life Loss:
Nine lives does not prevent life loss. This can sometimes be a problem with Jund Food - Priest of the Forgotten Gods is a genuine threat if you are on low life, and Blood Artist will always be dangerous to you. The cat/oven combo is annoying, but generally not back breaking.
  1. Assemble the combo, while minimising loss of life
  2. TutoDig for Rest In Peace + removal for Priest of the Forgotten Gods + Blood Artist. Wrath of God and Banishing Light work well, and if you can land an Ixalan’s blessing on either you have basically won. Gideon’s Intervention is also fine, but doesn’t answer those cards well if they are already on the board.
Enchantment Removal:
Most decks don’t have it main deck. The notable exception being control decks, and most of it is in the form of Planeswalkers (bounces from Teferi/Ashiok, targeted destruction from the two Ugins, interference from Karn etc).
The main way to combat this is to get the Immortal Sun out as quickly as possible. It is a very hard ask, and my win % against control is abysmal.
Particular Cards:
Match ups:
Very good match up for this deck. As long as you play Nine Lives on turn 3 (which is very doable) you should be fine. If they have turn 3 Muxus on the play, well, there is not much any deck can do about that. Play Nine Lives first, then Solemnity. It is hard for Goblins to do 9 unique instances of damage in one turn. It is very easy for them to do 20+ in a turn.
Mono Green Aggro:
Very easy. Find the combo, you win
Very easy. Find the combo, you win
Mono White Aggro or Mono White Lifegain:
Very easy. Find the combo, you win
Curiosity/Curious Obsession:
It’s a free win against the UW version, as it doesn’t look like it plays many counters? The matchup against the mono blue version is harder, as you have to play around the counter spells. But if you land a Nine Lives you basically win as that turns off Curiosity/Curious Obsession
Kor Spiritdancer:
Usually a very easy matchup. I lost one match someone who had a very aggressive hand on the play.
Mono Red Burn:
You can’t really beat them if they have a really nutty hand, and can deal 20 damage to you before you get your Nine Lives out. But you have a good shot at beating this deck
Jund Food:
Variable, depending on what version they are playing.
The biggest threat to you is Priest of the Forgotten Gods, as it can drain your life. Try to save your removal for them.
Not every version plays Cat/Oven or Blood Artists, and if they do your life will be a little more difficult. In these matchups, your combo is a little less good than it usually is. It is sometimes a good idea to slow role the Solemnity and just let the Nine Lives gain some counters. Sometimes your opponent will try and race to get counters on the Nine Lives, instead of focusing on draining your life. This will buy you time to find Rest In Peace and Wrath of God
Not every version plays Thoughtseize, and if they do your life will be a little more difficult. Just play out your key pieces as quickly as possible.
Once you have the combo, get your Gideon’s Intervention out and name Bolas’s Citadel. Then you Gucci
Rakdos Sacrifice:
Very similar to the Jund Food matchup. Try keep multiple copies of each combo piece in your opening hand if you see they have Lurrus as a companion. This makes you combo more resilient to Thoughtseize. Keep extra useless cards in hand to discard to Kroxa and to protect your good cards. And of course, protect Approach of the Second Sun at all costs. If it goes into the graveyard, you loose. Never keep and opening hand against a Lurrus deck that contains your sun.
At lower levels, people ran out Nissa into a Solemnity all the time. Many would kill one of their own land (Solemnity prevents counters), and the shame concede immediately.
At higher levels, people tend to know the interaction and will play around it. These players also seem to run big Ugin a lot. I lost to a lot of these decks, as I would see that they were green and then go ‘eh, the combo will be enough’ and go back to reading reddit. Then I would get a surprise Ugin to the face. I have learned, and now when I see a ramp deck I will turbo out either The Immortal Sun or Gideon’s Intervention (Naming Ugin, The Spirit Dragon. I named the wrong one once. Learn from my mistakes, be better)
This deck basically always looses to control. I probably need to switch up the list to fix this.
The Mirror Match:
Your combo is useless. You can play it if you naturally draw it (for fun I guess), but for god’s sake don’t tutor for the pieces. You will need those tutors for Gideon’s Intervention, Ixalan’s Binding and Banishing Light. Try not to use Ixalan’s Binding until you see their Binding or Banishing light. Not all lists play those cards, but you really want to disable them if they have them. Try to banish their Immortal Sun or Gideon’s Intervention to lure out their enchantment removal, and then hit their removal with your Ixalan’s Bind. This game is about hitting your Approach of the Second Sun first, so focus on card draw.
Changes I have made to the deck:
General Notes:
I love this deck, and wanted to share it with you guys. I am a long time lurker on spikes. I love the guides and discussion and I really wanted to add value to a sub that has helped me become a better player.
This is my first guide, so constructive criticism would be very appreciated
Here is a list of ideas to try out from the comments. Thanks everyone!
And I have just realized I have misspelled Leyline about 112 times in this post. Oops haha
submitted by HystericalFunction to spikes [link] [comments]

[H] A Ton of Bundle Games (IndieGala, Humble, and Fanatical) [W] Nov. Humble Monthly Games (Not Darksiders III or Yakuza Kiwami)

I already own Darksiders III and Yakuza Kiwami 2, so I figured I'd just skip this month and trade for the other games on here. I haven't updated my list in a long time, so there may be one or two games that I don't have anymore, but I still own most of them. So far, the games I'm looking for are:
Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition
Crying Suns
Little Misfortune
Smile for Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt

The ones that I have for trade are:

Humble Gift Link -

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

Knights of Pen and Paper 1+2 Collection

Road Redemption

This War of Mine

Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit


Torchlight II

The First Tree

One Deck Dungeon

Skybolt Zack

Golf With Your Friends - OST

Codex of Victory

Conglomerate 451

Deep Sky Derelicts

Gift of Parthax


Quantum Replica



Through the Woods

The Inner World

Pixel Heroes Byte & Magic

Safety First!

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell

The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia + Soundtrack

Vambrace: Cold Soul Soundtrack


AER Memories of Old

Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

State of Mind

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series


The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - 400 Days

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries

The Walking Dead: Season Two

Astebreed Definitive Edition


Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight


Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics

Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game

Small World 2


Twilight Struggle

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father

Black The Fall

Children of Zodiarcs

Deadbeat Heroes

Forgotton Anne


Tokyo Dark

The Turing Test

Train Valley 2

A Good Snowman is Hard to Build

A Mortician's Tale

Alien Spidy

Broken Age

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Brutal Legend

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders Warmastered Edition

DUCATI - 90th Anniversary

Europa Universalis IV

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered




Hollow Knight

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham



Music Maker EDM Edition


Party Hard



Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Sniper Elite 3

Speed Brawl

Stealth 2: A Game of Clones

Stick Fight: The Game

Super Hexagon


This is the Police

Tilt Brush

Tropico 4



World of Goo

Worms Revolution


Dead Rising 4

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

RESIDENT EVIL 2 - All In-game Rewards Unlock



Reigns: Her Majesty



Samorost 3

1 Screen Platformer

A Glider's Journey

Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX

Animal Super Squad

Anomaly 2

Anomaly Defenders

Anomaly Korea

Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign

Artemis: God-Queen of the Hunt




Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud

Dead by Daylight - Spark of Madness

Deadlight: Director's Cut

Dino Run DX

Downtown Drift

Draw Your Game

Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge

Invisible Inc.


Kingdom: New Lands

Motorsport Manager

Must Dash Amigos

Nemo Dungeon

Neverwinter: Vestments of the Wind Pack

Ninja Senki DX


Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Pumped BMX +

Rapture Rejects

Rebound Dodgeball Evolved

Red Horizon

Rogue Rocks

Scanner Sombre

Songs of Skydale

Stories: The Path of Destinies

Super Chicken Catchers



Fluffy Horde

Regular Human Basketball

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force Complete Deluxe Set

Megatagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Neptunia)

Moero Chronicle

Neptunia Shooter

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

Trillion: God of Destruction



Rusty Lake Hotel

The Stanley Parable

Thomas Was Alone

Yume Nikki


Game Character Hub PE: DS Generator Parts

Game Character Hub PE: Second Story

Game Character Hub: Portfolio Edition

RPG Maker MV




RPG Maker VX

RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker XP

Visual Novel Maker + Live 2D


Shenmue I & II

SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising

Bridge Constructor Portal

Portal Knights

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell


Tricky Towers

When Ski Lifts Go Wrong

Planet Alpha


The Spiral Scouts

Cat Quest


Immortal Planet

Pillars of Eternity

Tyranny - Standard Edition

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Pound of Ground

Take On Helicopters

Take on Mars



God's Trigger

Guacamelee! 2



Rusty Lake Paradise


The Adventure Pals

Almost There: The Platformer

Yoku's Island Express

60 Parsecs!

Love is Dead

Road Redemption


Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor

Party Hard

Punch Club




Pool Panic

Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered

Black The Fall


The Turing Test

I'm not a Monster


11-11 Memories Retold

Impact Winter

Little Nightmares

PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+

Project CARS

Genital Jousting

Highway Blossoms

Just Deserts

Purrfect Date

Sunrider Academy

Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition

Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition

Tooth and Tail



Steel Rats

12 is Better Than 6


Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!



Soft Body

Way of the Passive Fist


Dear Esther: Landmark Edition



Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Bleed 2

Rapture Rejects

Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder

Sniper Elite 3

Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition

Worms Clan Wars

Animal Super Squad

Anomaly 2

Anomaly Defenders

Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Blade & Bones

Board Battlefield

Clicker bAdventure



Cube Link

Deep Dungeons of Doom

Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon

Don't Stand Out

Dungeon Escape

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered


Freaky Awesome

Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition


The Haunting of Billy

Hello Pollution!

Hyperdrive Massacre



Lakeview Cabin Collection

Last Encounter


Lucius Demake

Marvin's Mittens

Match Point

No Time To Explain Remastered

Race The Sun


Road Doom


Super Steampunk Pinball 2D

Sure Footing

Switchblade Starter Pack

Temple of Xiala

Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit

Tower 57


Unit 4


Zero G Arena

Colt Express

King and Assassins

Kentucky Route Zero

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse

War for the Overworld + Heart of Gold DLC

The Dwarves

Resident Evil Revelations

Gremlins, Inc.

Old Man's Journey

Pathfinder Adventures

Talisman: Digital Edition

Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics

Talisman: Digital Edition

How to Survive 2

Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition

12 is Better than 6

Bear With Me - Collector's Edition

Dungeon of the Endless


NBA Playgrounds

Action Henk


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Kingdom: New Lands

Laser League

Holy Potatoes! We're In Space?!

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Filthy, Stinking, Orcs

Sanctum 2

Grey Goo

Sorcerer King: Rivals

Green Man Gaming -





















Fanatical -



How to Take Off Your Mask


Garfield Kart

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Styx: Master of Shadows

Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition


Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Rain World



The Technomancer

Chess Ultra

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!


Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

XBlaze Code: Embryo

XBlaze Lost: Memories

Duke Nukem Forever


Party Hard 2

The Walking Dead

This War of Mine

Blood: Fresh Supply

Syberia II

If My Heart Had Wings

LoveKami -Divinity Stage-

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-

The Surge

Dungeons 2

The First Templar - Steam Special Edition

Urban Empire

The Dark Eye: Demonicon

Chronicles of Magic: Divided Kingdoms

Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor

King's Heir: Rise to the Throne

Lost Grimoires 3: The Forgotten Well

My Brother Rabbit

Noir Chronicles: City of Crime

Path of Sin: Greed

Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce


Little Big Adventure 2

Return to Mysterious Island 2


Return to Mysterious Island

Odyssey - The Story of Science

Little Big Adventure - Enhanced Edition


The Royal Marines Commando


Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition

Guns of Icarus Online


Gates of Hell

Perfect Heist

Aces of the Luftwaffe

Operation Thunderstorm

Clouds & Sheep 2


The Crown of Leaves


Tales From Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation

Last Dream: World Unknown

The Swindle

Robothorium: Cyberpunk Dungeon Crawler


Rogue Wizards

Codex of Victory


In Fear I Trust

In Fear I Trust - Episode 2

In Fear I Trust - Episode 3

In Fear I Trust - Episode 4

The Watchmaker

The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day

World's Dawn


Infinite Air with Mark McMorris

Super Inefficient Golf

Tales of Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation


Creeping Terror

Fantasy Wars

Ascension to the Throne

Savage Lands


Still Life

Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead



Syberia II



Lost Civilization


Railroad Pioneer


Thunder Wolves

Airline Tycoon Deluxe

Overclocked: A History of Violence

Dark Strokes: The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collector's Edition

Eternal Journey: New Atlantis

Forest Legends: The Call of Love Collector's Edition

House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside

House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame

Joan Jade and the Gates of Xibalba

Love Alchemy: A Heart in Winter

Magic Encyclopedia: Moon Light

Mind's Eye: Secrets of the Forgotten

The Fog: Trap for Moths

Analogue: A Hate Story


The Coma: Recut

The Coma: Recut - Soundtrack & Art Pack DLC

Revolution Ace



Clinically Dead

Out There Somewhere

Fate Tectonics

Plazma Being

One Finger Death Punch

ESport Manager

Dungeons 2

Galaxy Squad

Oriental Empires

Stars in Shadow

TASTEE Lethal Tactics

The Lion's Song: Season Pass

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Shuyan Saga

Steel Vampire

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Lifeless Planet Premier Edition

Snake Pass


DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon

Destiny Warriors RPG

Gun Rocket

Labyronia RPG

Labyronia RPG 2


Out There Somewhere

Storm of Spears RPG


Sun Blast: Star Fighter

The Odyssey: Winds of Athena

Tiny Bridge: Ratventure

Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon





Replay - VHS is not dead

Wooden Sen'SeY

House of Caravan

Cultures Northland

Splatter Zombie Apocalypse


Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle

Airscape The Fall of Gravity

Revolution Ace

Labyronia RPG


Cultures 8th Wonder of the World


STAR WARS Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy

STAR WARS Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast



Hive Jump


PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist


Blades of Time Limited Edition

Blood Knights



GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

Heroes of Annihilated Empires


Knights and Merchants

Lichdom: Battlemage

Numen: Contest of Heroes

Rune Classic


Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition

Wizardry 6&7

Asteroid Bounty Hunter

Charlie's Adventure

Cube Runner

Duke of Alpha Centauri

Fly and Destroy

Hungry Flame

Neon Space

Neon Space 2


Slash It

Slash It 2

Spin Rush

Survive in Space

Upside Down

Distant Worlds: Universe

Heavy Burger

I am not a Monster

Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle


Sword Legacy Omen

Moero Chronicle

Moero Chronicle - Deluxe Pack DLC




Killing Room

March of the Living

Savage Lands


Valnir Rok Survival RPG

Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition

Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition

Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition

Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition

Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger

Taken Souls: Blood Ritual Collector's Edition

Silver Tale

A Plot Story


Jane Angel: Templar Mystery

Dream Walker

Witch's Tales

Escape Doodland

Mad Dream: Coma


Clinically Dead

Mech Rage

Camper Jumper Simulator

ESport Manager

Darkest Hunters

The Sexy Brutale


The Last Door - Collector's Edition

The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

System Shock: Enhanced Edition

System Shock 2

Metal Fatigue

Spirits of Xanadu

Shadow Man

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation







Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure


The Long Reach


Coffin Dodgers

The Rivers of Alice - Extended Version

Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn

The Walking Vegetables

Unbox: Newbie's Adventure

System Shock: Enhanced Edition


Killing Room

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Styx: Shards of Darkness

STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic

STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition

STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition



Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes

The Political Machine 2016

The Corporate Machine

Sorcerer King: Rivals


Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~

March of the Living

Four Sided Fantasy

Dungeon Rushers

The Invisible Hours

Dead Secret

The Free Ones


Castle of no Escape 2

Galactic Lords


Nogibator: Way Of Legs

WN - ShP

Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems

Drill Arena



Risky Rescue

Frederic: Evil Strikes Back

16bit Trader

Midnight Mysteries

Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini

Zombie Bowl-o-Rama

Little Farm

Silver Knight


Lift It

3 Coins At School

Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey

Green Ranch

The lost joystick


Trip to Vinelands








Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok


Chaos Control

Bubble Ghost


Alien Rampage

Frederic: Resurrection of Music

Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure

Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking


Sparkle 2 Evo

Story of the Survivor


Goodbye My King

Watch This!

Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale

Crystal City

Bloody Boobs



Casino Noir

Detective Noir

Reptilians Must Die!

The Braves & Bows


The Dweller



Sparkle 3 Genesis

Cat on a Diet


Asteroid Bounty Hunter


Neon Prism

Slash It

Slash It 2

Cube Runner

Upside Down

Spin Rush

Neon Space

Neon Space 2

Duke of Alpha Centauri

Hungry Flame

Survive in Space

Fly and Destroy

Charlie's Adventure

Luxor Evolved

Luxor: Amun Rising HD

LUXOR: Mah Jong

Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

Red Risk


Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf



Cubium Dreams

Iron Impact


Marco Polo


Mr. Dubstep



Lethe - Episode One


I Shall Remain

Silence of the Sleep

Rebel Galaxy

Punch Club - Deluxe Edition

Grey Goo Definitive Edition




Goodbye My King

Crystal City

Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny

Art of Murder - Deadly Secrets

Art of Murder - FBI Confidential

Art of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer

Art of Murder - The Secret Files

Chronicles of Mystery - Secret of the Lost Kingdom

Chronicles of Mystery - The Legend of the Sacred Treasure

Chronicles of Mystery - The Tree of Life

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual

Megadimension Neptunia VII

Megadimension Neptunia VII Digital Deluxe Set DLC

Galactic Lords


Nogibator: Way Of Legs

WN - ShP

Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems

Drill Arena




Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Marco Polo

Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok


Chaos Control

Bubble Ghost


Alien Rampage

Ocean Classics Volume 1

200% Mixed Juice

War of the Human Tanks


Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition

Worms Ultimate Mayhem - Deluxe Edition

Worms Crazy Golf

Worms Blast

Worms Pinball

The Mooseman

Sky Break

Tropico 5

Super Cloudbuilt

Tower 57


Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Deponia: The Complete Journey

Table Top Racing: World Tour

Riff Racer - Race Your Music!

GT Legends

GTR Evolution


Insane 2

Zero Gear



Race: The WTCC Game + Caterham Expansion

Little Racers STREET


Super Toy Cars

Mini Motor Racing EVO

Drift Streets Japan

Instant Death

Spirits of Xanadu

Swipe Fruit Smash

Voxel Baller




BoomTown! Deluxe

City Siege: Faction Island

Bomb The Monsters!

Crazy Belts

Rush for Glory

Naval Warfare


Blood Knights

Heroes of Annihilated Empires

Wizardry 6 & 7


Rune Classic

Gemcraft - Chasing Shadows

Knights and Merchants

Etherlords I & II


Numen: Contest of Heroes


Commands & Colors: The Great War

Making History: The Calm and the Storm Gold Edition

Attrition: Tactical Fronts

Imperial Glory


Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty

Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle

Beyond the Invisible: Evening


Entwined: Strings of Deception

Vengeance: Lost Love

The Rosebud Condominium

Where Angels Cry: Tears of the Fallen (Collector's Edition)

Lightning: D-Day

Congo Merc

Hold the Line: The American Revolution

Battles of the Ancient World

Peninsular War Battles

1812: The Invasion of Canada

Russian Front

7 Wonders II

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour

7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven

Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure

Gardens Inc. 2: The Road to Fame


Little Farm

Luxor 2 HD

Luxor 3

Luxor Evolved

Luxor HD

Luxor: 5th Passage

Luxor: Amun Rising HD

LUXOR: Mah Jong

Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife

Midnight Mysteries

Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi

Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini

Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials

Midnight Mysteries: Witches of Abraham - Collector's Edition


Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

The Dweller


EM: Shader Attack


Labyronia RPG

Labyronia RPG 2

Legend of Mysteria RPG

Chosen 2

Balloon Blowout

Bayla Bunny

Block Blowout

Chess Knight 2

Dessert Storm

Fantastic 4 In A Row 2

Fantastic Checkers 2

Ludo Supremo

Mahjong Deluxe 2: Astral Planes

Mahsung Deluxe

Mini Golf Mundo

Pepe Porcupine

Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzzles Under The Hill

Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed

Bubble Blowout

Train Valley

Broken Sword Trilogy


Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Marco Polo

Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok

Bubble Ghost


Ocean Classics Volume 1

Pandora: First Contact


Grand Ages: Rome GOLD

GT Legends

Nether: Resurrected

CAT Interstellar

Circut Breakers


Sins of the Demon RPG

Gladiator Trainer

Dragon Sinker

Neon Chrome


Mad Games Tycoon


Patrician IV - Steam Special Edition

Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty

Patrician III

The Swindle


Hive Jump

ICY: Frostbite Edition

Commandos Collection


Car Mechanic Simulator 2015

Demolish & Build 2017

Robot Squad Simulator 2017

Skullgirls & DLC

The Mims Beginning


Cally's Caves 4

Tank Battle: East Front

Tank Battle: Pacific

Tank Battle: Normandy

Tank Battle: North Africa

Tank Battle: 1944

Tank Battle: Blitzkrieg

Tank Battle: 1945

Civil War: 1861

Civil War: Bull Run 1861

Civil War: 1862

Civil War: 1865

Civil War: Gettysburg

Civil War: 1864


King of the Eggs

Bouncy Bob

Hotel Dracula

Warfront Defenders: Westerplatte

Pony Island

Who's Your Daddy



SWARMRIDERS: Original Soundtrack DLC


Super Sports Surgery

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition



Kathy Rain

Table Top Racing: World Tour


Dark Years


Total Extreme Wrestling

World of Mixed Martial Arts 3

IGT Slots Paradise Garden


Wrestling Spirit 3

Draft Day Sports College Basketball 3

Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 4

Defend Your Life

Hyperdrive Massacre

The lost joystick

Orbital Racer




Trip to Vinelands


Bad Dream: Coma

Mad Games Tycoon

Perfect Universe

Daddy's Gone A-Hunting

Deep Dungeons of Doom



The Way

Indiegala -

Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders

The Secret Order 6: Bloodline

Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light

Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery

Animal Lover

Magi Trials Deluxe Edition

Highschool Possession

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Hentai Hexa Mosaic


The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan

Eventide 2: The Sorcerers Mirror

Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones

Beach Bounce

Beach Bounce - Soundtrack

Beauty Bounce

Bunny Bounce

Club Life

Club Life - Soundtrack

Divine Slice of Life

Divine Slice of Life - Soundtrack

Echo Tokyo - Wallpapers

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

Echo Tokyo: Intro

Highschool Possession

Highschool Romance

Magi Trials Deluxe Edition

Summer Fling

Summer Fling OST

Sword of Asumi Deluxe Edition


Systematic Immunity


The Quest for Achievements Remix

Moot District



Magic Trials Deluxe Edition

Hentai Zodiac Puzzle

PUZZLETIME: Lovely Girls

Girls of Hentai Mosaic

Girls of Hentai Mosaic - HQ Artbook & Wallpapers

Hentai Hexa mosaic

Hentai Hexa Mosaic - Soundtrack

Lady's Hentai Mosaic

Lady's Hentai Mosaic - OST

Lady's Hentai Mosaic - PNG Artbook

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Pixel Hentai Mosaic - OST

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Topless Hentai Mosaic - OST

Topless Hentai Mosaic - PNG Artbook

Echo Tokyo: An Intro

Echo Tokyo - Wallpapers

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

Last Anime boy: Saving loli

Witch College

Pleasure Airlines

Senpai Teaches Me Japanese: Part 1

Chibi Volleyball

My personal Angel

Riddled Corpses



?????2 / Seven boys 2


Girls of Hentai Mosaic

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Hentai Hexa mosaic

Lady's Hentai Mosaic

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Book Series - Alice in Wonderland

On Earth As It Is In Heaven - A Kinetic Novel


Frank & the TimeTwister Machine



Franchise Wars

Rush Bros

Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride

Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden

Without Within 2

Cursed Sight

Beauty Bounce

Highschool Romance

Beach Bounce

Club Life

Echo Tokyo: Intro

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

This Strange Realm Of Mine

Bot Vice

Eliosi's Hunt


Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan

Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

Particle Mace

Secret of Magia

Sins of the Demon RPG

Splatter - Zombie Apocalypse

Airscape - The Fall of Gravity

Fate Tectonics

Battle Ranch: Pigs vs Plants

Earth Overclocked

Greyfox RPG

Wish -tale of the sixteenth night of lunar month-

Cursed Sight

A Winter's Daydream

Empty Horizons

Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold'em

Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire

Pretty Girls Panic!

Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle

Boneless Zombie

Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire

Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards]

Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle: Schools Girls Edition

Wild Romance

Pretty Girls Panic! (Chinese version only)

Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire (Chinese version only)

Slash or Die

Slash or Die 2


Stellar Interface

Trench Run

12 Labours of Hercules VII: Fleecing the Fleece (Platinum Edition)

A Dream For Aaron

A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher


Adelantado Trilogy. Book Two

Adelantado Trilogy. Book one

Adventures of Dragon

Aircraft Evolution

Alice in Wonderland - Hidden Objects

Alicia Quatermain 2: The Stone of Fate

Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures



BELPAESE: Homecoming

Battle High 2 A+

Beat The Game

Bitcoin Miner

Blind Men


Border of her Heart

Bottom of the 9th



Broken Minds

Burnin' Rubber 5 HD

Chinese Ink Painting Puzzle & Creator


Coffee Crawl

Crashday Redline Edition

Crazy Pirate

Crisis in the Kremlin

Crystal Catacombs

Crystals of Niberium

Cube Zone


Cubiques 2

Curse: The Eye of Isis

Digital Resistance


Drake of the 99 Dragons




Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance


Gothicc Breaker

Hentai Puzzle

Hentai Sokoban

Hide The Body


Inexplicable Geeks: Dawn of Just Us

Insert Paper: Update

Joy Climb

Judge Dredd 95

Krampus Quest



Legend of the Skyfish

Lunch Truck Tycoon


Maze of Infection

Mines of Mars

Mini Ghost

Mission: Escape from Island 2

Moto Racer 4

Moto Racer 4 - Space Dasher

Moto Racer 4 - The Truth

Navalny 20!8 : The Rise of Evil



Next Hero


PLATI NALOG: Favorite Russian Game

Panzer Hearts - War Visual Novel

Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?

Paradox Wrench

Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Pixelpunk XL

Plant This

Q-YO Blaster


Ravensword: Shadowlands

River City Super Sports Challenge All Stars Special

Rot Gut



Science Girls


Shield Impact

Shout Of Survival

Spooky Cats

Store Simulator



The Adventures of Elena Temple

The Bluecoats: North vs South

The God

The Last Dawn : The first invasion

The Lost Gardens

The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 - Prelude

The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day

They Are Hundreds

Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found

Usual John

Visceral Cubes

WeakWood Throne

Welcome to Princeland

Wings of Vi

World's Dawn

Zombie Desperation

the Line
submitted by MystRChaos to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

Blue Vintage Cube Cards are Busted! Should this be in r/mtgcube?
TLDR: Blue Vintage Cube Cards are Busted, and here's some cool concept cards to prove it. And great art! (Artist credit provided on the images and links in the Imgur)
After playing a ton of Vintage cube, my play group and I began theorycrafting "Power" cards to allow White, Black, Red, and Green to compete with Blue in raw powerlevel. Cube is a format of efficient Card Draw, Fast Mana, and Interaction which is exemplified in the busted Blue cards that dominate the format. We decided to colorshift three signpost Blue cards: Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, and Mana Drain to the other four colors in creative and interesting ways. The intent of these cards is to be EXTREMELY high first pickable powerlevel to compete with their existing Blue counterparts. Additionally, as the Blue cards are "good" is basically every deck, these cards also need to be all-purpose powerhouses rather than scalpels, while also maintaining the flavor of their color-identity. To ensure the card was multi-funtional we developed a matrix based on how different deck archetypes would use the card. The categories were Fair Decks, Unfair Decks, Aggro Decks, and Control Decks. Due to the raw power of the cards, Midrange seemed a redundant inclusion. Additionally, as the format is about Fast Mana, Card Draw, Card Advantage, and Interaction each design incorporates one or more of those effects.

Subject #1 - Ancestral Recall:

This card is a 3-for-1 at 1 mana, and would still be good at 3 mana. So the benchmark we used was 3-for-1 and 3 mana worth of effect on a 1 mana spell:

White Ancestral:
This was difficult as White lacks card advantage design space, so we leaned into the idea "balance" attached to a modal removal spell to prevent feel-bads.

Ancestral Order
Choose one -
· Exile target creature, its controller gains 3 life.
· Choose an opponent, if that player has more cards in hand than you, draw cards equal to the difference.

Card References: Swords to Plowshares, Sandstone Oracle
Fair: Efficient removal spell with potential card draw.
Unfair: Unload hand with fast mana, cheap refuel.
Aggro: Refuel after deploying threats.
Control: Efficient removal spell with ability to gain life.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Situationally
Interaction: Yes

Black Ancestral: This one was straight forward, Sign in Blood + half-Hymn to Tourach = 3-for-1 and 3 mana, thus meeting our metric. We chose Sorcery due to the discard clause
to prevent a chain of eating an opponents draw-step while drawings cards. (these are intended to be busted, not broken)

Ancestral Blood
Target player draws 2 cards and loses 2 life, each opponent discards a card at random.

Card References: Sign in Blood,Hymn to Tourach
Fair: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.
Unfair: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.
Aggro: Card advantage and some reach.
Control: Massive Card advantage and slight disruption.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Yes
Red Ancestral: This one is interesting as Red now has "exile" card advantage spells like Light Up the Stage, but to prevent this from shoehorning into proactive decks exclusively,
the cards will be exiled face down as to be concealed. Additionally, as this is a red card, it can modally be a lava spike effect.

Ancestral Flames
Choose one -
· Ancestral flames deals 3 damage to each player.
· Exile the top 3 cards of your library face-down, look at them. Until the end of your next turn, you may play those cards.

Card References: Light Up the Stage, Lava Spike, Ugin, the Ineffable (face down exiled cards)
Fair: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.
Unfair: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.
Aggro: Card advantage and reach.
Control: Hyper-Efficent card draw spell.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Destory target opponent

Green Ancestral: This one is my personal favorite as Green's design space is unique. The intent is to be an efficient creature with upside. This was originally three 1/1's,
but that seemed dramatically lower power than the rest of the cycle. Conversely, three 2/2s was too powerful even at these standards. We settled on two 2/2s for a total of
4 power over two bodies, with a modal untap effect for unfair decks uninterestd in a few bodies. As this didn't meet the 3-for-1 metric, we added the entwine cost to allow
for a "zero" mana option at 3+ lands. This is a modal Wild Nactl/Dark Ritual.

Ancestral Hunt
Choose one -
· Create two 2/2 green wolf creature tokens
· Untap up to three target lands
Entwine 2

Card References: Wild Nacatl, Krosan Restorer, Journey of Discovery, Ambush Viper
Fair: Efficent beat-down card.
Unfair: Ritual effect (see high tide)
Aggro: Efficient beat-down card.
Control: Multiple flash blockers.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: Yes
Interaction: Yes (ambush blocks)

Subject #2 - Time Walk:

This card was reprinted at 5 mana, and is still good in cube. The card literally does it all providing; mana ramp and card draw for any deck and even additional
combat step for ending games. The metric was used was; can extend the game in your favor, provide mana advantage, and can be used as a finisher to end the game:

White Time Walk: This may be underpowered, but that seems to be white's share of the color pie. The design here is to make you and your board invulnerible for a turn, thus
buying you a turn in a "white" way. It would also make your whole team unblockable, so could act as a finisher.

Celestial Shroud
Until your next turn your next turn, you and permanents you control have protection from everything.

Card References: Brave the Elements, Teferi's Protection
Fair: Protect your board or swing for lethal.
Unfair: Buy a turn to go off.
Aggro: Protect your board or swing for lethal.
Control: Fog effect with upside.

Fast Mana: No
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: Situational
Interaction: Yes

Black Time Walk: This functionally works as a Time Walk in 1v1 play. The targeted effect and life loss move it into black's color pie, and also would potentially bolster fair
strategies like Death's Shadow or Scourge of the Skyclaves in Cube.

Induce Fear
Target opponent reveals their hand and skips their next turn. You lose 5 life.

Card References: Exhaustion, Thoughtseize
Fair: Death's Shadow
Unfair: Functional time walk.
Aggro: Extra combat step finisher.
Control: Pull ahead on board.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Red Time Walk: This utilizes Reds design space of impatience and getting everything you want now. Riot is a modal version of haste that can also deliver some counter, so you can
deploy several creatures and attack the same turn or provide a stat boost. To provide the mana advantage that Time Walk provides, a Red High Tide effect is added to allow for
an explosive turn.

Volcanic Zeal
Until end of turn creatures you control have riot.
Until end of turn, whenever you tap a land for mana, add R.

Card References: Rhythm of the Wild, High Tide, Mana Flare
Fair: Deploy several creatures with Haste or +1/+1 counters.
Unfair: Mana doubling effect.
Aggro: Exposive turn mana boost and haste.
Control: Explosive mana, but weak overall.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: No
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Green Time walk: This focuses on Green's superior ramp abilites, and ability to untap lands outside of the traditional untap step. Time Walk is often called "Explore" on turn 2,
referencing the Green card, but obviously becomes MUCH more powerful in later turns. This card is essentially a mega-Explore, with a higher floor but lower ceiling then a true
Time Walk. Sphinx of the Second sun introduced the idea of adding a "Beginning Phase" mid-turn, essentially providing a second turn without combat.

Arboreal Splendor
You may play two additional lands this turn. You get an additional beginning phase after this phase.

Card References: Explore, Wilderness Reclamation, Seedborn Muse, Sphinx of the Second Sun
Fair: Ramp + mana untap for large turns
Unfair: Mana doubling effect.
Aggro: Mana for an explosive turn.
Control: Ramp and untap to hold up interaction.

Fast Mana: Yes
Card Draw: Yes
Card Advantage: No
Interaction: No

Subject #3 - Mana Drain:

Though not formally a member of "Power-9", Mana Drain exemplifies a busted card. Efficient interaction combined with a burst of mana for a follow-up explosive turn
pushes Drain to be a higher pick in draft then even Time Twister (of the Power-9) in all but the most focused combo decks. The design of these cards is straight forward,
efficient interaction, combined with a colorless ritual trigger on the following Main Phase. These all represent an efficient 1-for-1 + fast mana, so the analysis is
unnecessary on an individual card level.

White Mana Drain:
Added card draw to offset the tempo bonus of being an on-board removal spell.

Mana Purge
Exile target nonland permanent, its controller draws a card. At the beginning
of your next Main Phase add an amount of C equal to that cards converted mana cost.

Black Mana Drain:
Thoughtseize + getting mana would make for interesting decisions in discard.

Target player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards
that card. At the beginning of your next Main Phase add an amount of C equal to that cards converted mana cost.

Red Mana Drain:
Lightning Bolt + free mana seems great.

Mana Bolt
Mana Bolt deals 3 damage to any target. At the begining of your next main phase add CCC.

Green Mana Drain:
Again, Greens weakness in interaction and superior control of mana makes for an interesting design. This will often be a Tarmogoyf that can ramp you + chump block.

Mana Gorger
Creature - Elemental
When you cast Mana Gorger choose a spell.
Mana Gorger enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters equal to that spells converted mana cost.
Remove all counters from Mana Gorger: Add an amount of C equal to the number of counters removed this way.

That completes the write up; thanks to all who took the time to read the whole thing. If there's one thing to learn from this exercise, its that Blue cards are busted, and for the other colors to even come close in power, you need to do some wildly powerful designs.

We will be proxying these cards (along with actual power) in our paper cube to see how they play, and we invite anyone else to do the same. Feedback will be read but is unnecessary, our intent is just to share our exercise for fun.

Cheers everyone!
submitted by VonWulfhausen to custommagic [link] [comments]

Best online games for multiplayer with elderly/senior parents who enjoy, say, Catan Universe?
Hi everyone! Big board game geek here thanks to parents that raised me with card games and simple American board games. Once I discovered Catan, I brought it home and taught them and they've played thousands of rounds. Ditto for Carcassonne and a few other more modern (but simple) board games. Since covid, I can't visit home and play in person, but I set them up steam accounts and Catan Universe accounts and it's been great to play every week. With step-by-steps written down, they can now smoothly log in and accept a game invite and play just fine.
That said, some variety other than Catan would be really nice, especially since it'd be nice to keep playing online games with them once covid passes (due to living in different states). They just want to spend time with their kid. I'd love ideas for ONLINE board games (or similar to board games) with an interface that is SENIOR FRIENDLY.
Senior friendly meaning: (1) not tiny print if you have to read the cards regularly, so for example Dominion is out even though they learned the physical version 10 years back; and (2) ideally minimal need to control a complicated camera or go toooo deep into various menu layers during play (though they could probably learn). Also nothing too CPU/GPU intensive, but they've got a couple desktops that run simple stuff fine.
FYI, TableTopSimulator is not forgiving enough: too many degrees of freedom for camera, movement, hotkeys to flip/shuffle, being able to deduce when something went wrong because a couple cards aren't quite stacked -- that stuff would likely confuse and frustrate them at this point.
They know Carcassonne (and play the physical one regularly) but the Steam version by Asmodee hasn't worked for me yet (my friend and I tried multiplayer for a couple nights in a row and it failed to connect us every time). Is it normally reliable for multiplayer and I just had bad luck? I also don't know if that Steam version interface requires too much active camera movement (zooming / panning a lot? they get a bit confused when their base view in Catan Universe gets off from default)...but would be worth experimenting since they know the rules already.
They've played some other simple board games like Ticket to Ride (physical game now too hard for them to hold all the little cards), Castle Panic, Monarch, and old-fashioned card games like canasta / hand&foot / hearts / spades. I haven't seen Castle Panic or Monarch online.
How good is the Ticket to Ride interface on Steam in terms of controllability by a senior? (Assuming I set up their account for them and just gave them their login info to write next to their computer)
Would Love Letter be pretty simple to pick up for games at this level, and is the online implementation on Steam decent?
Is there a good online implementation of Dixit (that isn't on TableTopSimulator)?
I thought Splendor would be fairly easy to learn and would work well in an online interface (I play the TTS version and used to have the physical), but the Asmodee implementation on Steam has a ton of bad reviews that it kicks a player after 60 seconds AFK. (My mom often steps away from Catan 3 times a game to use the restroom or get water, for example, and my dad has to think things through really slowly). If they've fixed that and the reviews aren't up to date, please let me know because that one seems really promising.
What other (digitized) board games am I missing that would be worth considering?? Thanks so, so much in helping me connect to my aging parents who are hiding out during this pandemic and just want to connect with their kid in some way.
Also open to card games I suppose, and maybe non-board video games if there's something truly simple for an older senior (can't require reaction time, super precise clicks, complicated camera movement, etc.).
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for any ideas you can provide (or experiences you can share). Old people need to enjoy board games during the pandemic too, especially since their lives are most as risk from in-person stuff so I imagine many are feeling cooped up and cut off and want to connect with family in this way.
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

First Pass at Ghen (Dads that start with G) (mild CMR spoilers)

As the guy who can only make commanders that start with G, I was pleased to see Ghen and Gnostro on the same day. This is my first pass at Ghen on a $150 budget here.
Ghen RWB
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard (R)
RWB, T: Sacrifice an enchantment: Return target enchantment card from your graveyard to play.
(translated from German, courtesy of u/thearchangel001)
In my analysis, this deck wants ways to get enchantments in the graveyard and ways to get enchantments on the battlefield. Rounding out the deck, I'll need ramp, removal, and card draw. For this list, cards that can draw will be bold and cards that can remove can be italic.
Ramp x8
Pretty basic on a budget.
[[Sol Ring]], [[Arcane Signet]], [[Boros Signet]], [[Orzhov Signet]], [[Rakdos Signet]], [[Talisman of Conviction]], [[Talisman of Hierarchy]], [[Talisman of Indulgence]]
I'm sure there are more synergistic enchantments I can find after another pass, but this is a lean, effective list on a budget. 8 pieces is fine in my estimation because this deck has a low cmc average and mostly doesn't pay full price for things. Talisman of Indulgence can be cut to save $5, but we expect that to be reprinted in CMR I think.
Cards that get Enchantments in the Graveyard
[[Nahiri, the Harbinger]] discards and draws and functions as removal and can find [[Worldgorger Dragon]]. She does a lot of work. Too bad she's not an enchantment. There's also corner value with Oaths, but we're not leaning on that.
[[Dreamshaper Shaman]] can sacrifice enchantments, but that's not our favorite way to get them in the gy (if we had to pay for them in the first place), still we don't pay full price for him and he can find us more enchantments.
[[Gravebreaker Lamia]] puts any card in the deck directly into the graveyard. If no one bothers us, we can get into a state where we are tutoring every other turn just as the normal course of the game. That feels good especially when our combo pieces want to be in the graveyard anyway.
[[Cathartic Reunion]] Lets us hit our early lands, load our graveyard, and overall feel good about hugging Mom. I wish it were an enchantment.
[[Collective Defiance]] Lets us wheel our hand and often take down a creature with it.
[[Faithless Looting]] Lets us load the graveyard multiple times while replacing itself.
[[Knollspine Invocation]] Feels great. It lets me keep my tech in hand with an untapped Ghen. When he's needed, I can activate knollspine, discard an enchantment, sacrifice something to get that enchantment into play, all while burning a creature or doming a player. This card is explosive if you untap with it. If you disagree, just sacrifice it.
[[Prophetic Ravings]] Seems like a good choice, allowing me to find new pieces and load the graveyard every turn. My creatures don't do much besides their passive, so tapping isn't a big problem. Discarding at instant speed and having another sac target, though, is big game.
[[Sinister Concoction]] for very little mana can put two cards in your graveyard and remove a creature all at instant speed.
Plain Value
[[Mesa Enchantress]] is worse here than in other enchantress lists because most of our etb's don't come from casting. Still, if she can draw 3 cards she did her job and our curve is low.
[[Birth of Meletis]] is good at buying time and gaining value. We like the first trigger and we don't mind cutting this off at any time.
[[Treacherous Blessing]] is ideal in a list like this. We can draw 3 multiple times and rarely take life. Gold Star.
[[Triclopean Sight]] is our cute trick. We have a lot of invisible potential with this in our hand. A tapped Ghen with 5 mana up can still activate (sometimes ambushing a creature first). Just having this in the deck with open mana can make people play more cautiously (after you wreck them the first couple times).
[[Cleansing Meditation]] Is plain value. It takes out opponents' shinies and (because we almost always have threshold) gets us a whole new round of enchantment etb triggers.
[[Open the Vaults]] is likely to get us a lot more value than our opponents after we spent the game loading our graveyard. this is best after a sweeper.
[[Brought Back]] can be used defensively, but can also grab us a fetch and a Ghen victim pretty often.
[[Act of Authority]] allows us to exile (not imprison) an artifact on etb. After we go to upkeep, we exile another one (may) and sacrifice it to Ghen to avoid giving it to someone else. RIP opponents' ramp
[[Fires of Invention]] is a HOUSE! improving our board with 2 casts while leaving up mana to activate Ghen is an ideal turn. If we stop liking it for some reason, we can get rid of it from the command zone.
[[Rise of the Hobgoblins]] is a good idea (I think). It is uniquely a card that I could cast early for a sac target, I don't lose much value by sacrificing it, I sometimes want to target it for recursion where it can build an instant speed board, and people are going to HARD forget about that first strike, meaning I can ambush a LOT of attackers.
[[Sentinels' Eyes]] Is a cheap recursive aura. It might let Ghen chip in for damage while keeping up his ability. The most important thing is that if I draw this I will always have an enchantment available to sacrifice.
[[Starfield of Nyx]] clearly has a place here. I'm not super keen on making everything a creature because that can be dangerous. Still, this is a win con and an alternative way to get value out of the main pattern of the deck. It can be fun, though, to let someone untap and cast a sweeper only to sacrifice an enchantment for an aura or imprison one of your enchantment creatures, knocking starfield down below the "I'm a creature" threshold. Sorry friends; I get to keep my board.
[[Valakut Exploration]] is my pet. I like that it often turns "dead" land draws into "live" cards. When we miss and go double land or find something we can't afford, it still goes to the graveyard for us to get later. Furthermore, it is a wincon with Worldgorger Dragon below.
[[Eidolon of Rhetoric]] is nice because it slows down our opponents while we are likely to be getting most of our value from activated abilities. We can get redundant here with Rule of Law if we want.
[[Aether Flash]] doesn't kill Ghen, but turns off a large percentage of ponents' decks, including whole strategies in some cases. Forgeborn Oreads and other burn get stronger when this is on the board.
[[Blood Sun]] cantrips and turns of yucky lands. Don't need it? sac it to Ghen and find something else.
[[Dragon Mantle]] is the cheapest cantripping enchantment. Usually, we draw a card and sacrifice it to Ghen. Sometimes, it opens the possibility of a Voltron-assisted win (they won't have blockers anyway)
[[Elspeth Conquers Death]] Removes a permanent, slows the opponent, and (sometimes) gets us back a permanent (we don't have a lot of hits for the last ability). We don't even have to pay full price.
[[Hobble]] This is single target removal that draws a card.
[[Island Sanctuary]] I don't care too much about drawing cards, but this buys a lot of time and turns off a lot of strategies. It's also a cheap enchantment I probably don't need right away.
[[Lethal vapors]] My creatures are usually not entering the battlefield. If someone wants to skip their turn, fine. I'll just get this back.
[[Lithoform Blight]] is another cantripping card that also happens to be able to shut off problematic lands. No problematic lands? no problem. Fix my mana and sac it to Ghen. When they draw a problematic land, I'll get this back.
[[Oath of Chandra]] Hits a creature, gives me something to sac, sometimes domes for 2.
[[Oath of Liliana]] Gets rid of creatures. Hopefully big creatures because the small ones got burned. Sometimes makes a zombie.
[[Oath of Kaya]] Pops a target, can go to face, buys a little time, sometimes protects Nahiri.
[[Omen of the Forge]] Pops a creature, can go to face, gives me something to sacrifice.
[[Overwhelming Splendor]] hoses somebody and makes them sad.
[[Parallax Nexus]] mostly I want to look at everyone's hand, take something important, and hold them for 2 turns. With the last fading counter, I can hold cards for another turn OR I can activate the ability and sac it to Ghen. The last card I pull won't get returned and I get a fresh look at a hand. Not bad for 2B
[[Paralax Wave]] Is a silly card for silly people. It's easy (and fun) to break this with Ghen and other pieces.
[[Phyrexian Scriptures]] can compleat Ghen, wipe much of the board, and hate on graveyards. It also happens to be recurrable.
[[Smoke]] I don't know about you, but I only need to untap the one creature.
[[Tainted Aether]] is pretty great at slowing down opponents or punishing them for committing to the board. Again, we rarely are putting creatures into play, so this feels great. If we want a creature, we can usually sacrifice this.
[[Flickering Ward]] can protect from targeted removal. An untapped Ghen can grab this or another protection piece at instant speed, discouraging hostile spells. Usually they will target something else because they don't want to get "got." Then I can spend my activation elsewhere. I can return it to my hand to discard later if I want allowing me to change the color.
[[Kaya's Ghostform]] is all purpose protection that can be put on there at instant speed with Ghen, and a cheap enchantment that can be sacrificed early. It's hard to pass.
[[Pentarch Ward]] protects my boy and draws me a card. This is obviously a multi-role card.
[[Shielded by Faith]] offers protection from destroy effects. I only ever want it on Ghen. Ideally, we have this and a "protection" aura in the graveyard with an untapped Ghen.
[[Strands of Undeath]] is some "indestructible" redundancy that also serves the purpose of pulling cards out of one opponent's hand. If you're enchanting Ghen with this in order to survive targeted removal, guess who's going to have to discard 2...
Loop Enablers
[[Leonin Relic-Warder]] Doesn't allow the disjointed prison trigger because I don't have creature sac outlets rn, but it does target important permanent types across the board.
[[Journey to Nowhere]] is excellent disjointed removal (if I sac this in response to its etb trigger, it won't give the creature back). It can also eat a relic-warder for a prison loop.
[[Worldgorger Dragon]] loops with [[Necromancy]] and [[Animate Dead]] and our boi Ghen can get them out of the graveyard. This will provide infinite mana and very likely a win because of the number of permanents that etb and deal damage. This can be dangerous because of the disjointed trigger on Worldgorger Dragon which can result in your whole board getting exiled, but living on the edge is fun.
Loop Outlets
[[Forgeborn Oreads]] Can win the game if it watches a loop and serves as removal if it doesn't.
[[Grim Guardian]] doesn't remove, but it spreads out the damage when an enchantment etb. It can also slow down aggro a bit which can be nice.
I was able to keep the land package at around $35, focusing on painlands, checklands, panoramas with one triome, etc.
Obvious utility lands like [[Bojuka Bog]], [[Geier Reach Sanitarium]], and [[Hall of Heliod's Generosity]] are included.
[[Piranha Marsh]] and [[Sunscorched Desert]] are present to increase the likelihood that a Worldgorger opportunity is a win.
SO How did I do?
37 lands, 8 pieces of ramp, 21 pieces of recursive removal, 12 ways to draw cards, 5 pieces of protection, a couple of combos, 11 pieces of stax and discard..., all in a flavorful cohesive shell for under $150.
Are there obvious things I should be including? (Especially cards that make either combo more robust on a budget)
Are there cards here I'm dramatically overevaluating?
Are there any big Ghen "aha!" moments you've had that I should know about?
submitted by jow253 to EDH [link] [comments]

First Gloomhaven experience was a success, I have no idea how.

EDIT: Gloomhaven Jaws Of The Lion
I got into board games about a year ago with Catan. I then picked up Patchwork, Secret Hitler, and Splendor (my fave) over the year. I saw on this subreddit about Gloomhaven and it was way too daunting, and there was no way I was going to convince any of my friends to play, until i heard about Jaws of the Lion. I am an avid RPG video gamer so i was very interested, yet have never played a sophisticated board game.
I live with 3 other guys, all weight lifting, party going, frat bros that I've known for years and were all great friends, and the closest thing they have in gaming experience is COD Warzone (When they're not out partying, they're playing COD). They just got into Catan about 2 months ago and now love playing it, and then 1 of them will play Splendor every now and then, but the others think its not for them. I made them a deal that if I learned how to surf, they would have to play Gloomhaven just one evening with me.
I finally can surf after about 2 weeks and they agreed, so I picked up a copy at my Target, and then watched youtube videos for about 2 days before attempting to play.
I setup each character board, and told them to go around the table read the description of the character and if it feels "cool" to you, then play that guy, I said i would fill in the extra. They all fought to be the Red Guard, but ended up playing rock paper scissors and they each landed on a character, I ended up being Voidwarden.
After a few beers, and a few dead vermilion raiders. They understood the modifier mechanics, the attack phases, movement, line of sight, teamwork, status's, advantages/disadvantages and all the goofy little things. We finally beat the first campaign after about an hour and 20 minutes of learning.
I was exhausted from trying to describe everything, how things worked, why they worked, why it was designed that way (to the best of my ability). On the other hand, they were so HYPED, they all wanted to play the next campaign, and were talking about setting up a schedule cause they want to level their guys, and fight new monsters, get new skills and everything.
I enjoyed it for the most part, but they LOVED it.
I am learning how to set up the next campaign, and learn the next set of game mechanics that come into the game starting in campaign 2. They want to play again tonight, but I am not sure I can learn everything properly by then.
My favorite thing is we wake up this morning, and they are like "sup red knight" passing by in the kitchen, "oh demolition dave finally woke up". It was wholesome. Their only gripe was, "No social media, this is probably the nerdiest thing I've ever done, but I love it".
So all in all, I think Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion paved a path to get into the full game with my roommates that have never board gamed really. If my non-board gamer friends can learn this game, I think almost anyone can. It's super fun, and I think any other game after this will have a smaller learning curve.
Just wanted to share my experience if anyone else is daunted by Gloomhaven or just wants to listen :).

If anyone knows a good way to store the game, or containers i can buy to help organize the game better, please let me know. There are a lot of pieces and it was hard to get the box closed last night.
Also if there are ways to make the pieces last longer, I feel like the cards are going to get a lot of wear and tear from constantly being used.
submitted by ZiiC to boardgames [link] [comments]

This Week in MMO's - Week 29 2020

ATTENTION: This is a new type of content that we’ve created for the MMORPG community, let us know if you think we should make this a regular thing. Also if you’d like there’s a feedback form at the bottom of this post, should you like to provide more detailed feedback.

AdventureQuest World
July 17th
Return to Doomwood This Weekend
Doomwood 3 is now available this weekend
Coming next week:
Monday: 48 hour Class Points boost
Tuesday: rare 0 AC pet drop
Wednesday: 72 hour Reputation boost
Thursday: new weapon drops
Friday: 72 hour farming resource buff
Saturday: 48 hour Gold boost
Sunday: new helm drops
Bido’s Birthday Bash is Back!
July 17th
DoomWood III: Legacy of Darkness
DoomWood is back with its third installment, you’ll be able to access it by clicking the button in your home town to go there.
This latest installment requires no knowledge of the previous two, with all new characters and a special guest character from another game.
Aion North America
July 14th
Fields of Fame Event
The event will continue through August 19th
July 15th
Changes to Paragon Equipment
There is a new way to upgrade Paragon equipment without fear of breaking the equipment
Albion Online
July 16th
Dev Talk: Roads of Avalon, Part 2
Part two of the preview for the Roads of Avalon system that will be available in the next update.
July 17th
In-Game Anniversary Events and Fame Boosts
July 17th
Happy Third Anniversary, Albion Online!
It's been three years since Albion's official launch on July 17, 2017, the post is a massive retrospective on the year, the gist of it is as follows
July 15th
ArcheAge: Unchained : Refer-A-Legend Program
Invite your friends to play ArcheAge and get rewards, full detail in link.
This program ends on August 17th,
July 15th
To the Gate and Beyond – Community Voting Has Begun!
Beginning July 14th, vote for your favorite entry for the video music contest.
July 16th
Become A Traveling Merchant!
July 17th
ArcheAge: Unchained: The Daru’s Special Costume Offer: #1 is still available!
Daru ‘s Special Costume Offer: #1 – 799 Credits
The costume pack, containing three costumes is still available.
Ashes of Creation
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Black Desert Online
July 14th
[Maintenance] Regular Maintenance July 15th 2020
Dear Players,
We will perform our weekly maintenance as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 15.07.2020
Duration 4 hours - 8:00 UTC till 12:00 UTC
Ending Events
– Event 2: Cool Time
July 15th
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Too long to list here, view full notes with link above.
July 15th
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Cash shop update
Blade & Soul
July 13th
2020 Cosmetic Design Contest – Winners Revealed
Check out the winners of the outfit and weapon design contest, as well as the runners up in the link above.
July 15th
Blade & Soul: Dark Passage Arrives July 22
New 12-player raid Silversteel Laboratory
Recommended for Level 60 HM 16 or higher
Limited time content - Nyarka added - open PvP zone.
Two new events will be part of the update
Weapon Enchantment System
July 17th
Blade & Soul: Dark Passage Events Preview
Event 1; Koldrak Fever
Event 2; Summer of Splendor
Visit the link above to see the full reward list for these events.
July 17th
Blade & Soul: Dark Passage – Items and Systems Preview
The Dark Passage update will launch on July 22nd. Below are the notable changes coming with this update.
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Destiny 2
July 14th
July 16th
The release of Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been moved to November 10th.
July 16th
Dungeon Fighter Online
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Elder Scrolls Online
July 14th
Linked above is a lore-dump/teaser for upcoming Stonethorn DLC content.
July 15th
The Summerset Celebration begins Thursday, July 23 at 10:00AM EDT and continues until Tuesday, August 4, at 10:00AM EDT.
July 16th
From now until July 30th, grab a free bundle from in the in-game Crown Store.
It includes in the following items:
EVE Online
July 14th
EVE online’s third Quadrant, called Zenith has arrived.
July 14th
New addition to the cash shop, limited to one per account.
The pack includes:
July 14th
UPDATE: This stream has concluded. You can view the Twitch VOD here
July 16th
July 16th
EVE Online’s second album, EVE Online: Empire Space II has been added to Spotify
July 17th
Watch some awesome 2v2 PvP Fights.
On Saturday, July 18 from 19:00 to 21:00 UTC/EVE time the streamer + dev teams will be running the Proving Filaments on Tranquility in their best* T1 cruiser fits, streaming the action live and looking for fights!
Check out the confirmed teams and where to watch them in the link above.
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Final Fantasy XI
July 14th
FINAL FANTASY XI Updated (Jul. 14)
[Update Details]
The following issue was addressed in the English version of the game.
Final Fantasy XIV
July 14th
Companion App Updated (Jul. 13)
[Update Details]
Added the following function(s):
"Remove from Chat Group" can be selected after long tapping the character name from the member list,
July 14th
Ceremony of Eternal Bonding Reservation Restrictions
Maintenance may cause your reserved Ceremony of Eternal Bonding to not be held, requiring a reservation for another date.
We ask that you please consider the information below before making your Ceremony of Eternal Bonding reservation.
[Possible Maintenance]
・Sometime between Jul. 13, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 14, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 14, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 15, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 15, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 16, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 20, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 21, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 21, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 22, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 22, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 23, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 27, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 28, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 28, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 29, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
・Sometime between Jul. 29, 2020 9:00 p.m. and Jul. 30, 2020 4:00 a.m. (PDT)
July 16th
Actions Taken Against In-Game RMT & Other Illicit Activities (Jul. 16)
Real money trading (RMT) and other illicit activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited under the Terms of Service.
Because we have confirmed the existence of players who are engaging in these illicit activities, we have taken the actions listed below.
Time Period: Jul. 9, 2020 to Jul. 15, 2020
・Participation in RMT/prohibited activities
・Accounts terminated: 3,878
・Accounts temporarily suspended: 21
・Botting activity (excluding RMT vendors)
・Accounts terminated: 9
・Accounts temporarily suspended: 14
*Botting activity by RMT vendors has been included under "Participation in RMT/prohibited activities."
・RMT advertising
・Accounts terminated: 791
Gloria Victis
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Guild Wars 2
July 13th
The ArenaNet Streaming Schedule for the Week of July 13
We’ve partnered up with players to showcase their creative Guild Wars 2-inspired content on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel:
Wednesday, July 15th
The Guild Wars 2 Art Show (by Fiaoradd)(English)
Noon Pacific Time (UTC-7)
Watch ArenaNet Creative Partner Fiaoradd create art on this week’s show.
July 14th
Watch the Trailer for “Jormag Rising”
The fourth episode of The Icebrood Saga arrives on July 28. Watch the trailer below and visit the release page for all the details.
July 14th
Excelsior! Behold the Synergetics Gyrocycle Roller Beetle Skin
Cash shop update
July 16th
Guild Chat: Working at Home
What’s it like when a whole game studio works from home? We’re learning every day! Join host Rubi Bayer and her developer guests—remotely—for an inside look at how ArenaNet is adapting to safety precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Watch the replay here:
July 15th
Cash Shop Update for July 15
July 17th
Burning World Event
Burning World is back, in these special servers all players have access to the Burning Skill which gives the following bonuses:
Additionally, you can create three mega burning characters on this world who will receive 2 bonus levels from level 10 to 150.
At the close of the server, you will be able to transfer up to six characters to a permanent server.
July 17th
Check Out the July 17th Art Corner!
Use the link above to see some fanart from Maplestory players.
No updates from July 12th onwards.
July 15th
2x Dread Ring Currency!
This coming week, every time you would earn Dread Ring Currency, you’ll now receive twice the amount, making it much easier to complete the campaign!
July 16th
VIP Only - 50% off Refinement Pack and Coal Ward!
Get the VIP treatment with a special sale available exclusively to VIP members Rank 3 and up! For the next week, these VIP members can get 50% off 1 Refinement Pack and 1 Coal Ward!
July 16th
20% off VIP!
Are you looking to extend your VIP benefits or increase your rank? Lord Neverember has you covered!
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Phantasy Star Online 2
July 14th
From July 15th till September 8th
By purchasing SG Scratch Tickets you have a chance to obtain special items, including Outfits, Accessories, and Enhancement Items! Check the list below to learn what can be obtained by drawing a ticket from the Fallen Heroes collection!
See the rewards using the link above.
July 15th
From July 15th to August 4th, operatives who complete the specified amount of Urgent Quests will receive either an SG 20 TICKET or an AC SCRATCH TICKET! Furthermore, for those who go the extra mile in shoring up our defenses on Lillipa by completing the Urgent Quest Mining Base Def. Op.: Despair the specified number of times on either Super Hard or Extra Hard difficulty with an S Rank, additional SG 20 Tickets and the Emote 224: “We Did It!” can be won!
Get the full details in the link above
July 15th
Log in between July 15th and July 21st, and you’ll receive an SG 10 TICKET!
Log in at least 5 times during this period, and you’ll get a bonus of 3 SG 10 Tickets! This means you could be sitting pretty on a free 100 Star Gems over the course of this campaign!
July 15th
Sometimes, it’s the little things. That extra Premium Storage, access to improved Personal Quarters, persistent access to managing your own Player Shop, a MISSION PASS GOLD TICKET; all of these things can be yours with the purchase of a PREMIUM SET! There’s also a few extra little things ARKS HQ will be including if the purchase is made between July 15th and August 18th! With the purchase of a Premium Set (30 Days) you’ll receive Half Scape Dolls, Rare Item Drop Rate +50%, and some Triboost +50%. Purchasing a Premium Set (90 Days) will net you all of the above, and Emote 231: Bang Bang!
Realm of the Mad God
July 15th
Patch Notes, ST Drops Locations, new OSTs and more!
Too long to list here, view the link above for details.
July 13th
This Week In RuneScape (13/07/20)
Too long to list here, view the link above for details.
July 15th
A brand new quest called Desperate Measures is nearly here! This is a follow-up to 2019's Desperate Times and will be rolling out on Monday July 27th:
Executive Producer Mod Warden outlined the recent challenges for the team in the current develop-from-home world. COVID has to an extent reduced production capacity.
In order to address this, the team has switched to a new development model:
Upcoming Content
During the livestream, the developers shed some light on some of the new additions heading to RuneScape in the coming months:
July 15th
Desperate Measures - The Story So Far
Desperate Measures is the next quest in the Elder Gods storyline, and you can play it in-game on July 27th.
To start Desperate Measures, you’ll need the following:
Additional lore in the link above.
July 17th
Double XP LIVE - Returning Soon!
Between August 7th 12:00 game time and August 17th 12:00 game time, players will once again be able to enjoy a whopping 48 hours of double XP gain.
July 15th
Promotion: Ocean of Gloom
Adepts may bring ominous seeds from their journeys. 300 seeds can be exchanged for one random dark version of a legendary relic. These relics are special: while they grant bonuses, they also weaken one of the adept's stats. Once you have all the relics, you can exchange the seeds for Victor’s Medals. When the event ends, the remaining seeds will be automatically converted to Victor's Medals.
The event runs July 15 to July 29. To take part in the Ocean of Gloom event, open the special interface which you can access by pressing the 9 key.
Unique Rewards
Legendary Relics
Check out the full stats and event details in the link above.
July 16th
Save up to 50% in the Mega Market Sale - July 16, 2020
Push your Immortal coffers to their limits with huge discounts on Knowledge of Enemies, Stimulants, and Credits! With up to 50% off selected items for a limited time only.
July 17th
Get your King’s Ransom - July 17, 2020
Another game of King’s Ransom is starting. Participate, earn rewards, and try for the Triumph grand prize. Don’t forget to visit the traveling merchant!
Read the full event details in the link above.
Star Trek Online
July 15th
PC Patch Notes for 7/16/20
July 15th
Double XP Weekend!
We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy! From Thursday, July 16th at 8AM PT (17:00 CEST), to Monday, July 20th at 10AM PT (19:00 CEST), players will be able to enjoy twice the experience!
During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise.
July 17th Infinity Packs Return!
From July 17th at 12pm PT (21:00 CEST) to July 19th at 12pm PT (21:00 CEST), we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack – and from July 17th at 12pm PT (21:00 CEST) to July 19th at 12pm PT (21:00 CEST), all of these packs will be 30% off!
When you purchase a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack from the C-Store during this promotion and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack.
Opening this Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack will give the recipient a choice of any Tier 6 ship found in any previous Research & Development or Duty Officer Promotional Pack.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
No updates from July 12th onwards.
Star Citizen
July 13th
This Week in Star Citizen
July 15th
Portfolio: Greycat Industrial
Giant lore dump - read at your own discretion
July 17th
Roadmap Roundup - July 17th 2020
Notable Changes
Images have been updated for the following cards:
Star Citizen Live: Beast Armors
See the full video here:
Tera: The Exiled Realm of Arborea
No updates from July 12th onwards.
The Lord of the Rings Online
July 17th
The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 168
Several events are described in the post, read about them in the link above.
July 13th
Summer Update 2020 (unable to link directly)
Tree of Savior
July 13th
Leticia's Secret Cube: July 14
Leticia’s Secret Cube has been updated, check out the rewards in the link above.
July 13th
List of Issues: July 13, 2020
Long list of issues outlined in the link above.
July 15th
Like & Comment Event: Keep Calm and Gear Up!
How to Participate
July 14th
Sunfest Savings in the PC Web Store
Sunfest Credit Savings – PC only
15% credit bonus for Patrons
10% credit bonus for non-Patrons
There’s something for everyone on PC, but don’t delay since the sale ends on Tuesday, July 21 at 4:00am PT / 11:00 UTC.
No updates from July 12th onwards.
July 13th
To better support the work of our talented community, today marks the beginning of the brand-new Warframe Creator Program!
From Captura to Podcasts to everything in between, the goal of the Creator Program is to support and elevate the depth and varied work from our Creators, while providing tools and resources along the way. If you’re a Creator looking for a little help with your content creation, this program might be the fit for you!
The new Warframe Creator Program supports:
July 15th
Slap on some sunscreen, grab your Soaktron, and hurry to the beach arena, Tenno.
With your ultra-powered Soaktron, enter the beach arena and win this splashdown before July 27 at 11 a.m. ET to earn a wave of rewards:
Mission 1: 50,000 Credits and Redeemer Abysso Skin
Mission 2: 50,000 Credits and Hydroid's Relay Scene
Mission 3: 50,000 Credits and Hydroid Reprise Noggle
Mission 4: Orokin Reactor and Stratos Emblem
In the arena, there are no Mods, no Pets, no Abilities — just an equal engagement between you and your opponents. The team with the most soaks before the timer runs out wins. Run out of water? Reload your Soaktron at the water fountains shooting throughout the arena.
During your water wars, you’ll earn currency that can be exchanged at Nakak in Cetus for extra rewards, including Floofs, Captura Scenes and more! Nakak's Dog Days reward prices have been reduced by 30%, so put those Pearls to good use!
World of Warcraft
July 14th
Weekly Bonus Event: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
Players level 91 and over will be able to venture into six of Mists of Pandaria’s storied dungeons to reap new rewards all week during this Bonus Event. Simply open the Group Finder (default hotkey: “I”) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the “Type” dropdown menu. Selecting “Find Group” will match you with other players and send you to one of the following Heroic Dungeons.
You’ll also be able to visit a new Timewalking vendor located on the Timeless Isle. Mistweaver Xia is waiting to take your hard-earned Timewarped Badges in exchange for some tempting rewards:
July 14th
Shadows Rising Now Available
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splendor board game how to play video

NOTE: Marvel Splendor is a custom print and play Splendor game re-themed with Marvel characters. E very card is a different hero - use the included card guide spreadsheet as a reference. T he characters are organized by power and costume colors; t he victory point cards correspond to the most powerful Marvel characters.. The original, retail version of Splendor can be purchased HERE. Splendor certainly lives up to its name, with fantastic artwork and great quality components, plus a box insert that actually works - all in all it looks splendid on the table! Read on to find out how to play, and learn some gameplay tips. Splendor Overview No doubt that Splendor is a unique trade board game. But if you find a fun game, this game is not for you. For people want a strategy board game, this game is a challenge for them. If you are a parent, you can still play it with your kid to improve resource management skills. In a capsule, the splendor board game proceeds in the following order: Collect gems → Reserve and/ or purchase development cards → Collect several development cards to attract nobles → Earn maximum prestige points to win the game Splendor Board Game Strategy Guide September 4, 2019 September 13, 2019 Chris 0 Comment splendor , splendor strategy When you play Splendor for the very first time after hearing the rules explanation, the game flow seems self explanatory. Learning how to play Splendor is easy but mastering it could take a lifetime. There are three decks of cards, each with a dot on the bottom. The deck with one dot goes on the bottom and has the cheapest. The deck with two dots goes in the middle and the three dots has the top. SPLENDOR BOARD GAME. Splendor is an incredibly simple to play engine-building game that is so robust it could keep you busy for 100s of hours. Players are gem traders in the renaissance on a quest to be the fastest to 15 victory points. Points are gained from acquiring the nicest of gems and gem excavating equipment. OBJECTIVE OF SPLENDOR: The objective of Splendor is to earn the highest amount of prestige points by the end of the game. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players (special rules for 2 and 3 players; see variations section) MATERIALS: 40 tokens (7 green emerald tokens, 7 blue sapphire tokens, 7 red ruby tokens, 7 white diamond tokens, 7 black onyx tokens, and 7 yellow gold joker tokens.), 90 Splendor was the 2014 Golden Geek game of the year. It is very polished, easy to learn, and fun to play. The strategy is relatively simple, but the execution is difficult. Summary below. Reserve the cards you want early on Take 3 chips in early turns Reserve cards that cost all of the same color… This is a mind-blowing, multiplayer, card-based, strategy board game that that is building a huge fan base. Splendor was designed and illustrated by Marc Andre and Pascal Quidault respectively, and published in the year 2014 by Space Cowboys. Two to four players can play this game, and it has a playing time of roughly 30 minutes.

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